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(This is a bad idea cause ill get invested in this story and forget about my mikeyxdraken one ;-; i mean it should be fine cause that ones my most popular,,)

It had been seven years since Kazutora had been arrested for attempted murder. It had been seven years since Chifuyu had taken Baji home from the hospital. The day that Baji almost died was the day Chifuyu swore a grudge on Kazutora to never forgive him for attempting to kill his friend. This didn't work out today though, since Baji wanted to go take Kazutora home from jail. His sentence had ended today and he needed a ride. When Chifuyu had heard Baji mumbling to himself about getting Kazutora, he had immediately said no and refused to go. Only after a few persuading kisses from Baji, Chifuyu agreed to picking Kazutora up, even though he still didn't like him.

Chifuyu and Baji had gotten closer over the seven years, getting into a relationship four years back. Baji had always talked about Kazutora to Chifuyu but was soon stopped either by an argument or a desire not to argue. Today though, Kazutora had called Baji to tell him the good news about him being released. Baji had immediately told him that he would be there to pick him up, then told Chifuyu the good news. Chifuyu having overheard Baji on the phone was already denying picking up Kazutora. "He almost killed you! Why do you want to be friends with him still??" Chifuyu argued with Baji. The latter just rolled his eyes and grabbed Chifuyu's face, not roughly but enough to guide his face to look at him.

"Fuyu, I know you have this grudge thing against Tora, but I swear he's not the bad guy you think he is. Just give him a chance. When we get home I'll have him explain everything to you okay?" Baji said before giving Chifuyu a quick peck on the nose. Chifuyu stood there stunned for a second. "He- he's not coming to the house is he!?" Chifuyu yelled as Baji pulled away from him. Baji chuckled slightly and pulled his boyfriend in for a hug, resting Chifuyu's head into his own neck. "Yes he's coming here Fuyu, where else is he gonna go?" Chifuyu started lightly hitting Baji's back with loose fists in response. "Not here! I don't want him hurting you again idiot!" Chifuyu said worriedly into his boyfriends neck.

Baji only laughed and pat Chifuyu's back. "Fuyu, it's okay. I've been writing to him for the last seven years, he's really sorry and wants to tell you how sorry he is himself." Baji said while moving to the door to get in the car. Chifuyu scoffed and opened his mouth to protest only to be thrown his shoes. "C'mon babe, we don't wanna have him waiting." Baji smiled as he watched Chifuyu huff and pull his shoes on. Baji got in the drivers seat, thinking it was safer for when Kazutora got in the car, incase Chifuyu got heated and made them crash. Chifuyu still hadn't said a word since they had left the house and looked out the window the whole way to the prison where Kazutora was.

Baji went in to get Kazutora, Chifuyu refused to get out of the car so he wasn't going in. When Baji saw Kazutora his hair was all grown out and raged looking, only slightly yellow due to not having a barber in the hospital. As soon as he saw Baji, Kazutora started tearing up. Once he got to Baji he felt tears running down his cheek and then Baji wipe his tears and pull him into a hug. Kazutora took a deep breath in, breathing in Baji's shampoo and felt a fuzzy feeling in his chest. He pulls away and looks at Baji, "Did Chifuyu come with you?" Kazutora asked hopefully.

Baji smiled and nodded. "Yea he's being stubborn and didn't want to get out of the car though. If he doesn't talk to you I'm really sorry, I'm trying to get him to understand." Baji explained as he took Kazutora out to the car after signing forms at the front desk. They got to the car to see Chifuyu watching them leave the prison only to quickly jerk his head down to look at his own lap. Baji opened the back door behind the drivers seat for Kazutora to get in and closed the door behind him getting into the drivers seat. The two heard Chifuyu tsk and look out the window away from Baji. Baji only rolled his eyes and drove off, heading back toward his and Chifuyu's house.

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