One Henry, Three Girls Pt 1

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After school Charlotte and Olivia both where at Henry's house seated on his couch watching him pace in his living room ranting about Bianca.

"And then Bianca said she didn't want to be my locker buddy anymore just because i said I wasn't sure I want to be boyfriend and girlfriend. Can you believe that?"

"Yes." Olivia and Charlotte said. "I know. Wait, wait, yes?" He rested his hand on the arm of the couch.

"Yeah. We're on Bianca's side here." Olivia told him crossing her leg over the other, Charlotte nodded agreeing with the girl.

"No. No, that's the wrong side for you guys
to be on." He said sitting down with his arms crossed, the door then opened with Piper walking in with a glass hat on her head.

She walked in towards the living room waltzing in showing off the piece of glass on her head. "What's then your head?" Henry looked down at her when he stood off the couch.

"A glass hat. I just got it."

"Ooh, I've heard of those." Charlotte commented, placing down her table on the table. "What is a glass hat?" Henry asked.

"It's a hat, made of glass."

"A lot of celebrities are wearing them." Olivia said looking up from her phone. "Okay. Well, congrats on you glass hat, but liv, Charlotte and I are having-"

"Guess what?" Piper cut him off.
"What?" He questioned.

"Don't care." She told him walking away towards the kitchen, Henry sighed and sat beside Olivia, looking back at Piper before speaking.

"I can't believe you're taking Bianca's side."

"Henry, you don't share a locker with a girl unless you're really into that girl."

"I was into Bianca."

"But you wanted to leave your options open for..." Olivia trailed off, Henry scoffed. "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

"We're talking about your Wall Dog friend, Veronika. Your pretty little graffiti girl who you like to kiss." Charlotte told him, he knew exactly what they were talking about.

"That... that was under kissing." He stood off the couch. "What?" The girls whispered, Henry looked at Piper and pulled the girls off the couch.

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