Chapter One,The School's exchange,and the man's price

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+*Under Its Rule, The Government Takes Over, And Now. Everyone Must Follow It Less They Want To Be The Lowest Of The Low, Low Paying Jobs Barely Any Stock  Not Enough Food Or Shelter Too, Oh And And Don't Even Think About Water, If You're Not With Them, Your  A Waste Of Space. In this new rule, you're are either a sub or a Dom by the time Your seventeen no questions, less you want to be thrown out of it and live a life you wouldn't want to*+

The sound of my alarm clock rung, my curtains letting In a bit of sunlight as I opened my eyes as I yawned stretching out my arms above my head, and got out of my all so comfortable bed,  *sighs*here comes another  "fun" day  I did all the things you have to do in the morning plus the shower part. I let out a sigh
Oh, and if you were wondering I'm Evelyn, Evelyn Skyler, This new Law of society my mother wasn't liking, but like she has or had a choice well yeah but it'll only put her in a bad position, but my mother couldn't have that happen not with her Already eight months pregnant with my so-called father's baby/ my mom's Dom. Oh did I mention that you're expected to have your Dom's baby by the time you turn Nineteen, No? well, now you know.

I walked done stares to find my "dad" sitting at the table drinking coffee while reading the newspaper, yeah he still lives with us his been here ever since that
Stupid law broke out, surprisingly my mom was the first to be selected first as a little and him, to be the first, ever Dom to ever pick my mom as his little. Ugh

"Well, look who finally decided to wake up." I faked a smile at him as he smiled at me like we're so sort of happy loving family.  My mom came in soon later and looked our way with a plate in hand with breakfast, which I can only assume is for him.

"So how'd you sleep, love?" Mom asked as she passed the food to him
"Thanks, girl." we both gave him a look of discus as he goes in to take a bit
"Your welcome," my mom said, obviously faking a smile between her lips showing her bridle white teeth "It was fine mom," I said facing my mom "and she back at me "That's good, I'm glad." 

Now it was time to go and leave for school now, I said goodbye to my mom and little brother with a wave, and they back at me, I ignore the wave from my mom's Dom "Devin" yeah that's his name.

Anyway I was off, I meet my friend Avery and we started walking together towards the hell hold we called a school, "ready for another hell day" my best friend said and I smirked trying not to laugh but when she turned back around away from me I just couldn't hold it in

"Made you laugh"

"Damn it!" 

I bumped her and she laughed "but all seriousness now, I heard we're supposed to get Dom's today.."  all laughter was out the window when she said that looking at me with a Cringed outlook when she said the word "Dom's" Which had me doing it too. "Ugh, can we not talk about that?!"

"What you knew it would happen someday, well hate to break it to ya but your now Seventeen!" Yeah the day I wish I wasn't here on this planet, when you turn Seventeen you get your Dom a few weeks after your birthday's passed
To "give you a little bit more of freedom" before giving you a Dom Which we all know is a lie. (it takes a few weeks before they can get you a Dom after you turn seventeen) that's the real truth but they don't want to admit it, as they do with everything else.

We talked about, walking in already in the school I turned to look at her when I bumped into someone in the hallway  "Hey watch where your go-" the person
Said about to go off on me but then cut them, self off.

"Evelyn! Avery!"  "Emerson!" I and Avery said at the same time Emerson was our bestie since we were in diapers were basically, like sisters. "It's been a while," Emerson said  "Yeah too long!" Avery agrees

"Welcome to the last day, As you all know you'll be getting Dom's today! now isn't that exciting?!" In your dreams lady, quit the act we see right through you
We all were sitting down in the stadium and I was sitting with my friends
They think we'd be excited for this, please, like honestly STFU!

"Students please give out a warm welcome to 'Mister Michaelis'!" The whole school goes silent as the was no one to clap or make a word. Ha, what were you expecting  "I SAID WARM WELCOME!"  I rolled my eyes so did the rest of my friends wow real professional there the school clapped but I didn't I just crossed my arms.

I waited behind the curtain, waiting to be called up kinda hard to run when you have two bodyguards,  on each side of you making you go, when you get called up my Avery was next and the number betting began 4000! 3000! 45000!!,
"Sold!" My friend was given to a man named Jason, then It got up to my next friend that was in front of me, "Emerson!, Emerson Ro!"  She hesitated but then put up a strong face as she approached the stage everyone looked at her.

6k!, 60k, 69K!, 90,000! one man said and her and my jaw dropped damn who rich is this guy!? "Alright, this is the last one for today! Evelyn, Evelyn Skyler!"
that's me! "Come on move it!" I was pushed to the stage "Ahh~!"

"Evelyn Skyler anyone?!" Our principal shouts among the crowd as he holds out my hand, silent, no one spoke when I came on stage. "Anyone??!" Principal Dev
Tires again but no one said anything I don't know why but I felt like crying. I never knew this feeling of rejection till now, What was going to happen to me with me having a Dom?!  I cry as I was forced to get off the stage, I begged not to until someone said something, but it seemed like no one would.

"Stop Acting Like A Brat And Come, Off The Stage!"

"Wait please No don't please what's going to happen to me!

??? POV
I watch as they tried pulling the girl, Evelyn off of the stage, I don't know why but somehow, for some reason I was furious, furious at the fact of how these people didn't even say or give this girl a chance. And not to mention the way they were handling the poor girl.

" WAIT, 10,000,000!!" I lifted my hand among the crowd and shouted everyone gasped in shock. The girl on stage mouth dropped and so did her principal's there was a long amount of silence before the principal broke it.

"Um...Going once?...going twice.? Sold!"
The girl was put up straight and taken to the back of the curtain "Um, Ahm, sir please come to the back of the stage to collect your sub..." I nodded my head and a sigh of relief follows  I get up and go to the stage.

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