Chapter 1 - A Letter... FOR ME!

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Jessie was doing her regular chores. Taking out the trash, doing the dishes, making her bed, getting the mail, and feeding her kitten Cocoa. She went to the cabinet to get the kitty chow and poured it into Cocoa's bowl. She walked out front to grab the mail. As she was checking to make sure there was no more mail, she saw a small envelope hidden in the back with her name on it. She was walking back to the kitchen, sat down, and opened the letter. It read:

Dear Jessie,

I have seen you around town. You probably do not know me but, I definitely know you. It may seem odd getting a letter instead of a text or email. Don't worry I am not stalking you. If you would like to talk send me a letter back soon.

My address is 101 Heart Ln.



After she read the strange letter, she thought to herself “ Who could this be? Why would anyone want to send a letter to me?” She went to her computer and map quested 101 Heart Ln. over and over but her computer kept crashing so it would never be found. She decided to write back, her letter said:

Dear Anonymous,

I know that you know me but this will not continue unless you tell me who you are. I do not know if this is a prank, a set up of my friends, or if this is just a mistake. If you really know me write back with all of my favorite bands, songs, colors, and animals. You must have the exact number and exact answer. If you can not list them all without hints I will not write back. Please mind sentence 1 it is important.



Once she wrote this letter she walked back to the mailbox and put up the red flag. She got to the kitchen right before her parents woke up. When they woke up she told them all about the letter and made them breakfast. The next day she went to the mail box and found another letter with her name on it, it said:

Dear Jessie,

This is not a prank, a set-up, or a mistake. If you think about everyone you know in your high school my name would not be on the list. Your favorite bands are: Kutless, Newsboys, Hawk Nelson, Newsong, Point of Grace, Need to Breathe, Casting Crowns, and Mercy Me. Your favorite songs are: Sea of Faces, Something Beautiful, Words, Sheltering Tree, Faith + Hope + Love, Let us Love, Voice of Truth, and Word of God Speak. Your favorite colors are: teal, plumb, burgundy, blue, navy, coral, forest green, and lavender. Lastly your favorite animals are: cat, dog, tiger, lion, bird, monkey, whale, and leopard. I know your favorite number is 8 so you have 8 favorites of everything. In each letter I will give you 1 letter of my name. Remember my address is 101 Heart Ln.



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