Getting Sick

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Traveller (Aether and Lumine)

Traveller had brought Y/N to meet the campers in Dragonspine. It was going to be cold so T/N wrapped the two small people in a bundle of clothing, just in case. T/N might even have Y/N meet Albedo; That is if he was there. 

While Traveller talked to Iris, Paimon was by their side. To T/N's mistake, they left a young child unmonitored.

Due to childlike wonder and curiosity, the child had wandered. They fell off the broken bridge and faceplanted into the snow below. Due to the pain, the child whined and cried. Thankfully, the traveller and Paimon heard the cries. They immediately ran to help, cutting the conversation with Iris short. T/N found the child and saved them, bringing the child to a nearby fire to warm them. 

After going home Y/N started sneezing, coughing, and having a runny nose. Traveller recognized these symptoms. T/N knew that Y/N was sick. They brought the child to get a shower, got them in comfy clothes, and made sure they got bed rest. 

Traveller continued to bring the sickly child soup, medicine, water, etc. Even helping them if they needed to throw up or go to the bathroom. And Paimon helped too! She took plates, drinks, and helped with tissues.

Thanks to their help, recovery was quick; Quick and easy. 


Venti is known as an avid alcohol drinker; Although not as prominent since Y/N came into his life. 

He had some tiny bottles around the house; He had made a home for Y/N and himself for a few years before he continues to travel for the duties of a bard. As said, he left bottles around the house sometimes. And when bottles are left, they can spoil and expire. As a curious child, it's common to not understand alcohol and its side effects.

Luckily Venti had caught the child while taking a sip. But not in time, the child did end up getting some in their body. 

A few minutes later the child kept sneezing, coughing, and eventually threw up. Venti had recognized these symptoms. and didn't really know what to do. So he thought back on what his old friend would do. Before the famed war that ended in his friends' life, he watched over the group of humans. When on a journey, one of the friends had gotten sick. 

Venti's friend would give them water, a soaked cloth. soup, and a comfortable space. So Venti did such, not as well, but close enough. Venti actually followed a recipe; correctly mind you; just for his dear Y/N. He set up the couch all nice with a blanket, pillows, and a well-lit fireplace. Venti filled a bucket with warm water and regularly switched out the cloth that it was for.

He felt so bad for slipping up and leaving his alcohol lying around, he wanted- no- needed to make up for it. He owed it to the child.


It was a nice, snowy, winters day in Liyue. The funeral parlor was open, lights were on inside indicating work was abound. A child lays asleep in the arms of the man holding them. Aside from them was a jabbering young lady, making jokes and bugging the man to hold the child. 

The parent had taken the child inside for refuge, the child didn't have enough heat source to stay warm with the oncoming snow.

But it was getting late, and they needed to get home. So Mr.Zhongli took a risk. He knew safety for the child would not be ensured but they did need to get home. Home would be safer than the babbling woman bugging him to hold the child.

After a few minutes, they arrived home. The kid's nose was reddening along with their ears. He knew they got a cold.

He had experience in the realm of taking care of sick people. but he also had BuBu Pharmacy to help. So the next day he had gotten some herbal medicine to help his dear Y/N. The herbs would be added to tea, and could also be used on soup/stews. 

𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚗  𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚂𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚜 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now