Chapter 10 Finding the Lost Race

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It has been a few years, Choric has brought back hundreds of dragons, including most of his kind but does not rule them, he does, however, bond with the little dragonets in the nursery and checks on the eggs in the hatchery. Choric has found out that he has had previous lives as a Chi and other races. One of the races is the same as Elly and he thinks about why his soul is still living even after all these years. Choric is in the nursery, laying down and watching the small dragonets.

He sighs quietly. "This is going to be a fun and wild adventure, huh linos?" He looks at the little dragonets and smiles. He knows to be careful when around them so when he visits them, he finds an open spot and lays down, and lets them come to him. "Unaka noka, linos." -good night little ones-

"They love you very much." Elly was sitting across from him, watching as he would get swarmed each time.

"They sense my own past and they try to comfort me." The babies are thrumming. "Or they know I can handle being swarmed." He looks at the kids and narrows his eyes. "They are like little masterminds."

"Of course, they are more clever than you would believe." She smiles, lays down, and yawns.

"Yeah, they will soon be able to speak and show their powers"

"That's exciting. Can't wait, but for now, they're teeny." She watches them play with one another.

"Yes, but around this age, I started to gain my sight." He lowers his head and allows the small dragonets to climb onto his back. "They could even comfort Fear, which is, according to him, unnatural."

"He's gonna break someday, even the toughest do or at least have a weakness. Someone will love Fear and he will too." One of them was pouncing at her tail and she turns to face her. Elly smiles at her and swings her tail. "These guys are fun."

"Seems that one got a fascination with tails." He chuckles and moves his tail like a lure then makes it drop like a corpse. All of the babies see that and pounce on his tail. "Well, that seemed to work. My mother did that before, and I fell for it each time."

Choric starts talking to the air.

"Yes, it is familiar..." Choric's eyes widen. "That cry... there is no way that... unless..." He looks at Elly. "It has to be." Choric opens a portal. "Elly, remember when I told you I heard your cry. Well, I hear another's and we are going to investigate."

"Another one?" She perks up. "Where did you hear it?" Her spikes slowly begin to raise up.

"Nakruin system." He walks through the portal. " Come on Elly if you want a reunion." He lands on the sun and notices a wormhole. "Hmm, wonder where that..." Elly pulls him in before he could finish.

"Home." Elly shoots into the wormhole willingly. "Oh jeez, Choric."

"Eh, I am ok unless we land on someone then I do not know about the person." He chuckles then turns to his Tsuni look. "Man I do not like having only two wings."

"It's not that bad." She walks off and sees the familiar classic place. "I missed it here." Looking around she noticed that nobody was around like they usually were. "Weird."

"Reminds me of home... emptiness except I sense the auras of others." He looks towards a large structure. "There," He points at it. "That's where the others are."

"Yeah. I can hear them." She looks toward the large place.

He starts walking towards it. "Let's say "hi" shall we."

"We shall." She goes and walks beside him.

They get there and Choric tries to imitate the cry but can't. "Hmm, I cannot seem to mimic your cry."

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