Battle of Earth

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The Normandy pulled up alongside Admiral Hackett's Dreadnought. It was nearing the time to push the Gatlantean forces off the face of occupied Earth, and show the Galaxy's civilisations that the enemy is not invincible.

By using the Citadel and Crucible, they could put an end to the Gatlantean presence once and for all. But if they were going to set foot and physically activate the weapon, then they would need one hell of a fleet to punch a hole through the massive Gatlantean blockade of Earth.

Intelligence reports revealed that the fleet around Earth must have contained at least a hundred thousand enemy transponders. The battle that would take place would be near or absolutely suicidal. A lot of brave souls will perish in this endeavour, but it will be worth it, as it will be the final battle to end the genocide-ridden foe.

They may have numbers and superior technology, but they should be outmatched in greater leaders and more guns. It doesn't matter. They have to win for the sake of future generations and the universe.

The plan for Shepard (and the Normandy) was to fly directly into the heart of the cluster with a hole in the enemy defences, hopefully breached. If they get to the citadel, they will be safe from bombardment, but will have to face internal security measures (which won't be too hard, hopefully).

The activation of the crucible was the main priority, and it appeared that time was against them; if they were going to save the galaxy from the Gatlantis incursion, then they had to play it safe, smart and efficiently, or else the galactic alliance fleet would face greater losses. Time was of the essence!

The Admiral stood high, pacing around and wore a serious face.

"Never before have so many come together--from all quarters of the galaxy. But never before have we faced an enemy such as this. That Gatlantis will show us no mercy. We must give them no quarter. They will terrorize our populations. We must stand fast in the face of that terror. They will advance until our last city falls, but we will not fall. We will prevail. Each of us will be defined by our actions in the coming battle. Stand fast. Stand strong. Stand together. Hackett out."

As the Admiral had finished his valiant speech, it stirred a crowd of praising sailors and operators who applauded and cheered on. The courage of man will burn brightly with the flame of vengeance upon the invaders.

Those Gatlanteans stormed our earth and killed everyone that the alliance was supposed to protect. Citizens, military, Pirates... it didn't matter, as none were spared. Even if the alliance gave them a chance to surrender, they chose to commit suicide and blow themselves up or just ram friendly ships. They were monsters, like the Reapers!

Speaking of Reapers, they hadn't shown up. Maybe they are still asleep in dark space... and or maybe faced against Gatlantis and lost.

That doesn't matter right now. Now is the time for the big battle ahead.

As the Systems-Alliance Dreadnought "Everest" departed to join her preset battle group, while the Normandy prepared to jump into the Mass Relay, to lead the final battle.



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