Once upon a dream...

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Once upon a time. My wings would drag across the soil of this land.

I was in my tent. Head resting down on my pillow Will's coat held tightly over my body. The nights were always cold, and it was too hard to get comfortable in a tiny tent, the only thing covering you worn down jacket, and the constant Paranoia.

You could hear every sound. The waves splashing the mooshroom mooing. Leaves crunching under the weight of animals. The sound of crabs pinching. It kept me awake till dawn. Sleep was only a memory at the moment.

But one sunny morning just waking up to to the smell of bacon felt so much closer than it ever had before. So so close, yet... So many years ago, to far from now. Only forgotten, as a distant memory to far away to even think of now. Better the days, better mornings, better food, better sleeps, better memories, better, life. Perhaps It's to far to even think of. The faces of a father and brother to far gone to remember what they even looked like. The smell would wake me up.

I'd stare out to the sun, groan, before getting out of bed. Listen to the birds chirp, and stretch my wings.

That's to far out of reach now. To to far, and such a shame it slipped out of my grasp.

Now I sit and cry I reminisce on memories I can't even remember anymore. I feel over the pads of my shoulders where my wings should be. And I cry I cry so hard all you can hear is my screaming. I cry so much the tent starts to shake.

All I can do is cry for my lost wings and cry for the pain that won't leave my shoulders months after it healed, months after it happened, months after he was gone.

Memories are the only thing left.

"PHIL!!!!!!!" I rushed down stairs almost slipping when I hit the bottom of the stairs. "Phil! Help!" I bolted behind him gripping tightly onto his coat.

His laughter filled the kitchen as techno came down like a bull in a china shop "TOMMY!" I shrieked running out into the garden where will was working. "TOMMY!" I ran as fast as I could grabbing onto will "Wilbur you have to hide me!" I cried holding onto his shirt for dear life.

"Tommy what happe-" Techno slammed the door and I could feel the color draining from my face as I hid behind Will.

"Oh." Will stepped out of the way forcing me Infront of him "Traitor!" I yelled as techno picked me up from the back of my shirt. I panicked slipping out of my shirt and covering my body with my wings.

"Oh come on!" Techno yelled throwing the shirt at me. "Open up you coward!" He yelled throwing a recently planted beetroot at me. "Techno!" Will yelled throwing a raw potato at his head. "I just planted those!" Techno grunted "Tommy come out!" Techno yelled. "Tommy!" He whined.

"I'm gonna snap your wing you little twat!" I forced my wings around me more " no you won't dad will kill you!" I heard his footsteps starting to fade while Wilbur continued planting.

I let out a sigh of relief and let my wings drop my my side. "Got you!" I screamed as loud as I could when Techno picked me up dragging me along.

"Techno! Please! We can talk about this buddy I didn't mean to!!!!" I yelled as he dragged me over to the pig pins. "Oh god"

"Techno I'm begging you this isn't funny!" I shrieked as he threw me into the mud and pig shit.

"You asshole!" I screamed as my body was not covered. "You broke my art project!" He yelled I cowered as he grabbed the water hose. "Techno come on man you didn't even-" I was cut off by water spraying into my mouth. I coughed immediately scrambling to get out the pin.

Take these broken wings and learn to fly (SBI)Where stories live. Discover now