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"I don't know if I could do this." the young girl said in a shaky breath as she peeked out the violet curtains. The people that surrounded her in the darkened area watching her shake in a panic and disquieted state.

"Sweetheart, you performed in front of about one thousand people for eight nights. One hundred shouldn't be that bad, love." Marie hummed as she ran a hand through her daughter's (H/L) (H/C) hair. "Yes, but most of them were in the back so I could only see about four visible rows!" she squeaked clutching the curtains tighter as she turned ghostly pale shade. "Hey, it's going to be alright. You got this!" a boy seemingly older than the girl by a couple of years encouraged, giving her a thumbs up. (Y/N) just gave him a small smile in return, focusing back to beyond the curtains.

Two women had on set been seated at a glass table with their white coffee mugs in hand, waving their perfectly manicured hands in the air as they laughed like hyenas. One was wearing a white CHANEL sheath dress with gold necklaces layering on her neck. The other was wearing a deep blue button-up shirt and red pencil skirt, also wearing layering necklaces. The women seemed to be in their late thirties, both fitting into the bright white and sky blue background; a bit too bright for (Y/N)'s taste.

"And to think these two bimbos are going to be the ones interviewing me." she scoffed as she shook her head. "Oh (N/N), there's nothing wrong with going big, this is New York's biggest talk show ever, after all." an old woman said in a soft and elegant tone as she folded her hands together; Unknowingly realizing she that those words just raised her granddaughter's social anxiety higher than it needed to be. "Ma stop it, your going to break the poor girl." Mr. (L/N) said to his mother as she just dismissively waved her cold wrinkly hand.

(Y/N) was just trying to control her breathing before it worsened while her father fought with her grandmother. She winced as she saw the crowd laughing about something the hostesses just said, the voices in her head getting louder and louder as she just tried to shoo the 'what ifs' all away.

What if they ask me something personal?

What if they make fun of me in front of my face and laugh along with the audience?

What if I just freeze?

What if-

"Hey," Christopher said putting a hand on his little sister's shoulder. "You're going to do great," he said in a comforting tone. "Calm down, your getting worked up over something you don't know is going to happen."he finished as Mrs. (L/N) just chuckled and squeezed her daughter's shoulder. "He has a point you know." she crooned. The young Miss (L/N) just gave her family a gentle-slightly forced- smile. "Thanks, Chris. Thank you guys for being here and not making me do this myself." The three adults gave her a small smile and the teenage boy gave her a toothy grin. "We're proud of you sweetheart, really," Stella said as her thin lips curved into a smile. Loosening her grip on the curtains alas, she turned her whole body to face her family. "Thank you guys, really. If it weren't for you I'd be having a giant breakdown." (Y/N) lightly laughed. "We're always here for you, remember that." The boy said pulling his sister into a hug.

"Excuse me," a worker wearing a black shirt and pants with a clipboard and earpiece said walking up to the (L/N) family. "You on in one," he said pointing the clipboard at the youngest member of the family writing down on his clipboard as he got a call on his earpiece. "Good luck." Chris whispered in his sister's ears, to which she returned "Thanks."Pulling away from the hug, she took one last look at her family. Her mother's eyes became soft and glossy as her father had an arm wrapped around her waist with a giant smile, and her grandmother gave a joyful expression as she walked over. "Your grandfather would be so proud of you, you know that?" she spoke, tucking a lock of (H/C) hair behind her granddaughter's ear as she cupped the young girl's face. Soon, the set light dimmed a bit, and the audience got quiet. The brunette woman got up and brushed her pencil skirt, then finally cleared her throat and turned to the murmuring crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen," a smooth voice said coming from the set. "Now, I believe I speak for all of us when I say that the Broadway show last week was definitely a sight to see."The woman with the button-up said as the audience squealed in excitement, before waving a hand signaling them to quiet down. "However, there was one performer who stole the hearts of us all, with perfect exaggeration, grace, and voice." she exclaimed a the crowd was slowly beginning to go wild once again. "Ladies and gentleman, please welcome (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)!"

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