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"God, don't ever disrespect me by calling me a dog again."


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"I still don't know why I had to move in, Mae," Shawn complained as he set down his final box. "I mean not that I don't mind seeing your beautiful face every second of the day." Huffing in annoyance, Maeve rolled her eyes, tired of the boys complaining already.

"I'll try not to take offense to that, Shawn. Besides, you're always over here anyways; you even have your own fucking room." Maeve berated; the witch was beyond annoyed; if he hadn't mouthed off to Satomi, he could've stayed in his shared home with Isaiah.

"Well, you never complained about me always coming over before; besides, I'm not the only one who's constantly over here; Brett, Isaiah, and Clare always come over too." Shawn criticized from the bed.

"Clarence cooks, Isaiah bakes, and Brett's just nice to look at, so I don't mind his presence," Maeve shrugged. Then, walking over to the bed, Maeve began to fiddle with her bracelet, a nervous tic she had. "Are you not nervous, Shawn? I mean, this is a big fucking deal; I've never had to deal with a newly turned beta before."

Gently grabbing her hand, Shawn began to rub soothing circles on the back, hoping to soothe the younger girl. "That's why I'll be right with you every step of the way." Smiling, Maeve got up from her spot next to Shawn and began to make her way to the door; still sensing her anxiety Shawn softly sighed to himself before promising, "I'll let you pick out my outfits for the week if that'll help cheer you up."

"Are you serious?" Maeve questioned, immediately perking up. Nodding his head slowly, Maeve made a beeline towards the werewolf, tackling him into a hug. Taking in her scent, Shawn began to rock her back and forth, knowing something as simple as having complete control of his outfits would cheer the girl up immediately. Releasing herself from the hug, Maeve began to go upstairs, planning the potential outfits in her head.

Once in her room, Maeve made her way to her closet in search of her mother's old grimoire for her to brush up on spells she would potentially need. Once locating the grimoire, she began searching for a new spell to study; after looking amongst the pages, Maeve found an illusionary cloaking spell and planned to learn it. However, before she even could, her phone went off, signaling it was time for her weekly check-in with her grandfather. Sighing, Maeve marked the page and began to set up the room.

After creating a circle of salt and setting up her candles, muttering "incendia" to light the candles, Maeve closed her eyes and began to chant the incantation to use astral projection to speak with her grandfather. Sensing the spell worked, Maeve opened her eyes to find herself in the animal clinic.

"It's been a while, Maeve. I started to think you forgot about me." her grandfather teased.

"How could I ever forget about you, old man? Someone needs to pay for my groceries." Maeve scoffed, crossing her arms. Deaton bought the girl into a hug, letting out an amused laugh, having missed the young girl and her sarcasm.

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