Chapter 2

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You're probably all shocked to learn that I have lycanthropy as well and I don't blame you. It was a shock for me when I first found out as well. Apparently My mother was a werewolf and when I was born and I didn't have the gene she was really happy but the night after I was born I had gotten a visit from someone who my parents made sure to avoid whenever my mother was pregnant with me.

Fenrir Greyback.

When my mother and father went to school together they were in this group called the 'marauders'. Uncle Lupin was in this gang along with my parents and two other boys that  I don't know. Uncle Lupin and my mother had changed together every full moon until fifth year when the others found out and they had made the decision to become animagi. My father became one and when he fell in love with my mother (which was a real shock and disappointment to the other girls at Hogwarts), got married and had me. The only problem was that seeing as my father was and animagi and my mother was a werewolf their genes mixed in a way that they never have before. As a result of this I can change whenever I want into my wolf or a big golden dog.

My mother was the daughter of Fenrir Greyback.

When I was just born I didn't have the werewolf gene and my animagi genes were still in the midst of developing. When Greyback came to visit me and my mother in hospital he was not to happy to find out I didn't have the gene. You may think that he hated my mother and wanted nothing to do with her but you're wrong. He visited because he wanted to make sure she was ok. He told my mother to change me instantly but she refused as she didn't want to hurt me so he made a compromise. On my seventeenth birthday, if I chose to,  he was allowed to change me and make me go and join Lord Voldemort. She refused and he left in a rage. My mother died of a sickness 5 days later and he didnt even go to her funeral.

When I was four, I was playing in the back garden whilst Uncle Lupin was inside making a sandwich and a wolf jumped out of the bushes and bit my leg. Uncle Lupin tried to chase him away as fast as possible but the wolf didn't leave before taking a fingernail and drawing a messy line from my shoulder to my hip.   Uncle Lupin took me to the hospital to check to see if they could prevent the changing but it was no use. The only thing they could do was enhance my animagi genes to try and fight off the changing but the two genes just combined to make me what I am now. Anyway back to the present.

"Annie! The Weasleys are hear to take you to Diagon Alley!" Uncle Lupin called and I bounded down the stairs at lightening speed to open the door before he could.


"GINNY!!" I said grabbing the little red head in a hug.

"RON!!" Ron said and we looked at him like he was a weirdo, "What?! I didn't want to feel left out!"

"Where's Mrs and Mr Weasley?" I asked, shaking my head at the strange child. I'm glad that Ron and Ginny are here. I've missed them all summer.

"Change of plans, they're going to meet us at the leaky cauldron tonight. Ready to go?" Ron said. Ginny was still hugging me and it was starting to hurt.

"Of course I've been ready all summer for this!" I said, whilst walking to the fireplace with Ginny still latched on to me. Skills.

"Let's go then! DIAGON ALLEY!" We all chorused and we stepped through the flames and I slammed head first into a boy with black hair and startling green eyes.

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