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Here we gooo

Cakesville is definitely a small place, I thought to myself. The only island far from the city, packed with archaic rules and traditions that I am sick off. Levels people have no choice but to be in, because some crooked lady says so. How would someone decide the faith of a thousand plus people? Why make so many rules to glorify yourself? Wickedness, that's the word that came to my mind as I try to focus on my laundry.

That has become the daily routine of my life, I wake up, do laundry till the end of the day. As a Desawn; the second to the last level in this city, I and my family must work hard every day to survive, so we don't we get moved to the Esawn level, these ones are either prisoners, or criminals, no one helps them, if you get born into the Esawn's you're a goner.

The five levels of Cakesville; Asawn, these are the kings of the city, their say is final. Besawn, they are just a step down the Asawn's, friend of the kings, business tycoons, Cesawn, these are hotel owners, managers, people who own a good business. Desawn, my level, we work under the Cesawn, we work or die and then the Esawn.
Everyone has their roles to play in their levels, or at least that's what we've been told since we were born.

I try to think of which silly task mum must be doing for Tiana Ben Besawn, the Queen's best friend, that woman is a snake and I wish my mum could quit but that would mean, we all suffer.

Tiana wants the crown but the King fell for her best friend, how nice. Tiana just fakes love for them, my mom tells us everything she says about the crown because of her jealousy.

"Beena" I heard Jay call from the other end of our laundry shop.
Jay and I have been best friends since we were both a year old, we're both 18 and will be 19 by next month.

"Yes Jay" I replied

"What are seriously thinking of? Madame Grace will be here in an hour and you haven't finished her clothes" He said looking at me skeptically

Drama king "Don't worry Jay, i'll be done before she arrives* I wink at him.

"You better be" He smiled back "So you're coming this night, right?"

Jay was born an Esawn but luckily his parents Pa Jay and Ma Jay adopted him. He feels he owes them so he works so hard and he's also pursuing a music career, if he becomes successful, they'll become Besawn's . He's playing a gig tonight and he invited his one and only best friend; me

"Of course Jay boogie, I wouldn't miss it for the world" I replied

Before he could reply, my younger sister came running into the shop.

"Beena! Beena!!" Ina kept shouting as she gave me a big hug.

I smiled "Hey baby, what's got you all pumped up?"

"The prince is in this part of town!" She screamed as the royal trumpets sound.

"What's he doing here?" Jay said voicing out my thoughts.

The royals rarely came to Desawn part of town, so why is the heir here?
The three of us walked to the entrance to see what was going on.

Of course, lavish felt like an insult at the glory the Prince brought with him, he was seated in his chariot unseen with eight guards dressed in the colour purple and a rather shorter man with a microphone on his arms.

"Hear ye, Hear ye Desawn's of Cakesville, there shall be a ball on the 19th, wherein the Prince shall  pick his bride!"

Wait what? Isn't the Prince same age as me? Marriage? This royals are sick.

The three of us walked back in the shop as the entourage passed.

"If things go well, I could perform at the wedding" Jay thought out loud.

"Yes! And we'll all dance and eat alot of food.!" Ina screamed joyfully

"Hmmm, Where's dad?" I asked her , She was supposed to be with dad till this evening, we all do shifts with her so we can do our various works.

"He was called to the King's house"  she said

"What??" I was shocked, a nobody doesn't get invited to the King's house "Why?"

"I don't know, he just told me to, run home and stay with Beena" she replied

"Calm down Beena, He'll be fine" Jay squeezed gently

"Okay, back to work" I smiled as we went back to work and Ina sat down to play with her toys.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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