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DEATH was something that the world is familiar with since the very beginning

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DEATH was something that the world is familiar with since the very beginning. Death is something that I am very familiar with.

I was never scared of death. Or well. My death. Because the idea of anyone around me dying has me shaken to the core. I always thought that I would give up my life to save another.

And I did.

On March 16th 2006 I, Dorothea Elena Summers died. I gave up my life for Isabella Marie Swan. My sister. On the same day I returned back from the dead, marking my first death.

And I hope that it was the last one.


I looked away from the window and turned to stare at my Godmother, who was sitting on the couch looking worried. Looking like I was going to break at any given moment.

And as much as I would love to. I couldn't.

"I don't think that you're well enough to—" she started saying only for me to cut her off a bit too sharply.

"I will never be well enough, Aldris. Let's face it"

Aldris bit her lip, looking down "Little dove... I just want you to be sure, before you decide anything"

Looking away one more time, I focused on the green forest and couldn't help but let myself feel a bit nostalgic.

It looked like home to me.

After a few more moments I said quietly "I'm never going to be sure about that..." with a sigh I turned and looked into my Godmother's eyes "But I am sure that... that I want him to be happy. These last few months were... difficult for him and I don't want to make it worse"

My Godmother smiled a bit and nodded "It's alright, little dove. I understand"

I nodded and moved to leave the office, right as she stopped me, saying.

"Although I have a couple of... conditions"

Looking back at her, I couldn't help but to turn a little pale while seeing the mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Oh no..."

Thinking back, I never thought that I would even be tempted to do this. After losing so much of myself in that place and knowing the sorrow that met me there, I never dreamed to make this decision.

"Last box, chica! Hurry your sweet ass inside!"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the box, lifting it from the truck and turning towards the place I would call home for the next two months or so.

The house stood at the edge of the forest in all it's green and orange glory. It was two stories, with three bedrooms, a small kitchen, a living room with a dining table and a fireplace along with two rather small bathrooms. There was an open back yard and a small greenhouse, that brought me some joy, as I planned on cleaning it up and planting something small there.

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