one page agaun so sorry not really

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One thing I can't live without? I look into my mirror, into my dead eyes. People say the eyes are the window to the soul. And yet, mine are dead. I don’t know why or how it came to this, but here I am. Standing alone. I am surrounded by people here, but I am alone. My feet scuff as I am led from one white room to the next. The bland smell of cleaning products and medicine fill my nostrils as I am seated at the table. I refuse to eat. Life here is so bland, there really is no point in eating the more than likely altered mush before me. Now, before me is a person who calls me a friend. A word of which I barely know the meaning. They giggle as they play with something they pulled from nowhere. It’s odder makes the food before me even less appealing, the stench filling my nostrils. Screaming. Then they come. They pick up my “ friend” and lead them away in a frenzy. Once again, I am led to yet another place, and yet the same at once. This time there is someone waiting for me. A group, waiting to share things and expect no judgement, and yet. . . there always is.  Some are unaware of this fact as they rock in their chair, pull their hair, or nervously glance around. I want to say i'm the only normal one, but what is normal? If it’s the average, then am I the weird one? Does it matter? The only,seemingly, functional adult sits in the center. They ask the same question. The question that makes me wonder. One thing I can't live without? I still don’t know the answer. It doesn't bother me. They look at me for an answer. I open my mouth to speak, but what comes out of my mouth are words I can not understand. A spill of gibberish flows from me. They look disappointed. Why do they expect so much? I don’t. My sight flashes. Chairs being thrown? Screaming? Why is my face wet? I wake up to being dragged. I guess i have to go back again. They leave me in a padded room, looks of disgust on their faces. I don’t know why i'm here or how i got here but every day is the same. My nose itches. But I can't reach to scratch it. My hands are bound to my body in a forced hug. I hate that jacket so much. The world blurs as I become sleepy. Tomorrow will be the same. What can’t i live without?  Such a weird question to ask someone who has nothing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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