IDK if I like you
I guess you just stabbed me in the back
IDK if they like me
I guess I'm just to annoying
IDK if my parents care about me
I guess I'm just a disappointment
IDK if my sis want to be my bff anymore
I guess she grew away
IDK if they want to be my friends
I guess I'm just walking around with them
IDK if he like me back
I guess he only notice her
IDK if people notice me
I guess I'm just to quite
IDK if everyone else also cry themselves to sleep
I guess it's just part of our lives
IDK if my dad will have enough money to pay the rent
I guess I might be loosing my room soon
IDK if I look good enough
I guess I'll just get bullied for it
IDK if my smile is pretty
I guess I'll never know cus I fake it all the time
IDK if my dad cares about me
I guess it's just daddy issues
Idk I my mom loves my
I guess she just loving pointing out my insecurities
IDK if I can trust you
I Guess the world just turns around you
IDK if I have social anxiety
I guess my parents won't take me to a therapist
IDK if I have OCD
I guess everything just annoys me
IDK if I have ADHD
I guess I'm just to busy
IDK if I have depression
I guess it's just normal to always be sad
IDK if they are hanging out
I guess they just didn't invite me
IDK if I'm gonna cry
I guess I'm just use to it
IDK if I'm fine
I guess it's just my live