Chapter 22- Watching

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Balloon Girl/JJ

Practicing was fun. Even more so with BB being able to get in on the fun. "Both of you need more work on your posture. Posture is important because it will choose how the electricity flows through you. It seems that BB's electricity is more of support and movement. JJ yours is more offensive. It would actually be a pretty good combination," Fun Trap said. 

"What about you?" I asked. 

"Well I'm more of an offensive and defensive one with my plasma. I can use it to protect myself or attack others, which I don't do often anyways. Only if someone I care about is in danger."

"So is that all you can do?" BB asked. 

"Uh, yeah basically. I mean I can teleport in a sort of sense by moving fast, but that's about it other than plasma attacks," Fun Trap answered. "Anyways let's try again. BB try and move from here to that corner of the room and back." 

"Okay!" As soon as he was finished talking he was over on the other side of the room and back again. 

"Good. How I like to see teleportation is that if you can remember like the office and you are here, in Parts and Service, you can teleport to there without seeing it. Basically off memory of how it looks. Try it." 

"Okay and I'll steal his batteries while I'm at it!" BB disappeared. 

"He's not going to stop is he?" I asked. Fun Trap laughed. 

"I don't think so." She was usually more serious but she seems to have lightened up. It was kind of refreshing. BB was back in his spot where he was, holding some batteries. "Well that was quick. Good job." BB giggled. "Okay now JJ I want you to practice more with releasing your electricity. Since you're a bit more flexible than BB, try to release that energy, but if you have to take your time." I didn't need to take my time. I charged myself up and shot some electricity at the wall. "Very fast. Now we test your reflexes." Wait what? Fun Trap teleported in front of me and I moved out of the way as she tried to attack. "Good. Let's see how you do with this." She kept trying to get in front of me and I moved behind her, following her while she turned to look one way. She blasted me with her plasma, but it barely did anything. I slid back a bit. "You need to be on guard more don't let it down for a second. That's how someone can take advantage of you." Again it happened. The last part of the sentence made it sound like it was more serious than it had to be.

It was the next day. I was walking around the place when someone came in. They didn't have a kid with them. Weird. Usually people came in with kids. We of course did have those few exceptions of adults checking out this place. Maybe that's what he was doing. I walked over to Mike, who was guarding the area to the office and Parts and Service. "How often do we get just adults here?" I asked. 

"Usually once every day. Maybe twice. Of course they're not all the same. So I think most people just want to check the place out, see if it's worth going to with their kids," Mike answered. He could be right. It made sense. Then they started walking over to us. That must be normal as well. I stood next to Mike, making sure I didn't look too suspicious. "Hello there. Anything I can help you with?" Mike asked. The person looked down at me. Then back at Mike.

"I want to check the cameras. Official business." Those were some big words there. Maybe Fun Trap knew what they meant. 

"I'd need to see some verification first. You won't believe how many people come in thinking they can take a peek around," Mike said defensively. The person fished around in their pockets and showed Mike something. "Well. I stand corrected. Feel free to check the cameras. Make sure you report back to me if you find anything strange and I could explain it." The person nodded and went past Mike. 

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