Party Crashers anyone?

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*Proffessor Palladium*

"Wow the boys are already here Kiko!" said Bloom looking out of  her bedroom window with her bunny, only stopped when she saw Sky looking up and the two stairted into each other. Till Riven pulled him away as they continued to walk inside the school. Bloom closed the window, left food and water out for Kiko before she said goodbye an rush to the party.

"Bloom there you our come on!" Stella wihinned as she dragged the red head into the crowd of girls as the boys finally walked in. Both headmasters greeted each other before they anonnced it was time for the party to begin. Girls and boys slowly started to mingle up, Bloom didn't since she wanted to see the kinds of foods they had here 'I haven't seen anything diffrent from Earth's foods other then all those teas.' 

Once at the tables she started looking at everything in aww till someone taped her shoulder, turning around she saw Sky smiling down at her before he slowly picked her and spinned her around. She started giggling as her heart felt so complet now her prince was here.

"Oh how I missed you Bloom, my darling soulmate~" soung Sky as he finished and sat her back down, then place a kissed on her forhead. Bloom looked up and asked him the one question plagging her mind "Sky how come I missed you so much? It's only been a week and I don't know you that well?" 

"Well Princess~ it's quit simple you see, the two of us our connect to one another and we feel drawn to each other. Nothing and no one can ever break it not even forbidden magic!" he explained as he lead Bloom outside on the balconly. He also summoned a plate of food for her and casted a warming charm on them both to stay warm.

"Wow Sky what our these things called?" asked Bloom exitable as she looked at all the desserts on the plate, Sky smiled before telling her what each one was. He also watch for any bad reactions since most of them had iteams not from Earth 'I don't even know if she's alergic to something, dear dragon I'm such a bad soulmate.'

Suddenly, after awhile of eating the taste treats, the two heard movement from belove the balconly, Sky slowly rossed ready for an attack but started to panic when Bloom rossed as well and was right now leaning over the balconly to see what it was. The Prince of Eraklyon quickly fallow to move her away till he saw someone or should he say several someones.

'Witches!' thought Sky as he quickly ducked, after making sure he pushed Bloom behind him, seeing three girls dress in dark outfits only the witches from Coud Tower wore. "Sky who our they?" whispered Bloom trying to look over Sky's shoulder, but he quickly angled it that Bloom couldn't see.

"Bloom go find the teachers and tell them I'm fallowing some party crashers, now." whispered Sky as he slow crawled as well as dragging his princess towards the doors "I'm going to fallow them!" Soon they made it inside and seperated, Bloom off to worn the teachers while Sky was going to follow them.

He quickly found them in the hallway where the gifts were being kept, 'What our they up to?' as he leaned around the corner and watch them open the box. They soon casted a curse on the gifts so instead of little btterfles coming out of the eggs, snake-rats would come out. Snake-rats that our dangours svamp creatues that cause progecatally vominting with only one bit.

That worried sky (who didn't even want to think about Bloom getting bit by one of those ceatures) but he got more worried when he heard them saying something about Princess Stella of Solaria's ring. It sounded like they wanted to steal it but for what reason he didn't know, soon they left and Sky quickly open the box to see eggs with strips were eggs with spots once were.

"Prince Sky what is happening here?" demaned the voice of Headmistress Faragonda with a few of both schools teachers right behind her. Quickly he turned around before he said in his most royal voice "Witches have come sneeking into your school Headmistress. These witches have casted a curse on the gifts and right now trying to steal from one of your students."

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