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I woke up to a warm blanket wrapped tight around my shaking frame.  Somebody needed to make the fire bigger, for it was so cold in here I wouldn't be surprised if my teeth broke off from chattering so hard.

"You're awake,"  Luc said, brushing a stray lock of hair out of my face. 

Heat bloomed on my face, and it took me a moment to reply.

"What happened?"

"I found you crouched under an awning to that cider shop.  Your lips were blue, and your skin looked as if you had died again."


Drapes were pulled shut, making only the glow from the candles light the room.  The wax had burned low, showing I'd been here for quite a while if Luc lit them as soon as we got here.

"Why were you even out there anyway."

I bit my lip, deciding if I should respond or not.  What if I just closed my eyes and pretended I had fallen into a deep sleep.  Luc was too much of a gentleman to wake me back up if I did. 

I tried shutting my eyes, but nothing happened.  I hoped I could pull that off as an extra-long blink, instead of a way of avoidance.  Once I have upon the thought of sleeping and opened my eyes again, Luc was looking at me with a what was that expression.

"Sorry," I mumbled, taking the hot tea out of Annaleigh's hand and taking a quiet sip.  I can't even begin to wonder where she came from, she just appeared.

The tea did wonders in warming my body up. 

"I was looking for Henry's shop."

"Your sister's lover?" Luc asked, running a finger through his hair.

"Ye- wait how did you know."

Luc's eyes widened for a moment before settling back down, "I went to dinners and events with Henry.  He was a few years older, but everyone knew about his girl back in Astrea.  He said she was a real dime."

"She's dead."

A sharp breath came from the corner of the room.  Turning my head I saw Annaleigh standing in the corner next to a girl that had come in.  They were holding hands, and the girl was leaning on Annaleigh's shoulder.

Why had I just now noticed this girl?

I had a gut feeling that Luc and Annaleigh weren't together.

"You're looking for your sisters yes?" Luc asked.  I had no idea how he pieced it together, but it must have been pretty evident on my face that that was the correct answer because he just sat next to me and put his arm around me.

A wave of exhaustion washed over me, and I realized how tired I truly was.  I don't know how many nights I've gotten a full night's rest due to nightmares that felt so real that sometimes I was convinced they were hallucinations.

"My sisters are worried about me," I mumbled, my eyelids drooping once more.  "I should get home and find them.

"Camille," Luc said.  For some reason, my name sounded lovely rolling off his tongue.  "Camille, have you talked to your sisters lately?"

My head slumped against his shoulder, and I said something so garbled even I couldn't figure it out.

"I have your cloak."  I blurted.

That got me sober for a quick minute.

"I feel terrible," I said, trying to sit up.  "I have your cloak and keep forgetting to give it to you.  You must be freezing."

"Camille," he said.  "Camille, what are we going to do with you?"

And yet again, the world faded out and black swept in as I fell back under.

I was beginning to wonder if I wasn't well. 

Well, this chapter was better I hope

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Well, this chapter was better I hope.  I tried to make more interaction between our lovebirds that haven't done many love-bird things lately.  Whoops.  I wrote that chapter in nineteen minutes, and I'm exhausted.

I have a few notes jotted down about a new book that I actually plan on starting soon, so I hope everyone is excited.  The intro is actually published rn lol.

I say that as if people are going to read this story.  Go me.  I haven't published any parts yet, but thinking about how awful some of the stories do on Wattpad,  (No offense to the author, I'm sure the writing is wonderful, I'm just talking about the recognition) I'm sure mine is going to do quite bad as well.

This story is wrapping up, and it's taken me about a day lol.  It's actually the twenty-third, and I could finish this story and submit it to the Wattys, BUT they have a 50,000-word limit, and this story is only going to be about 15,000 words.  Yay, go me.

I just finished We The Young and loved it!!! Loved it @Hubrism !!!

Do I have one more chapter in me? Nah.   I'm gonna go to bed.  Have a nice night y'all, and I'll see you on the eve of since probably nobody is reading this right now.  

If you are I love and appreciate you!!!

If you're liking this book (which is a miracle really, and you're amazing) please share with your friends if you think they might like it too!

Gonna hit the hay - Elle

That was the corniest, cheesiest, thing ever.  My b guys.

This piece is completely written by me. If there are any references to any characters, places, or themes, it is purely coincidental. This novel is exclusively on Wattpad so if you notice it anywhere other than here, it has been illegally stolen. Please notify the author right away if this happens.

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