You're So Smart, Y/N, W-would you like to... Watch with me?

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They were laughing at you. You should have known a girl like Aoi Tategami wouldn't be smart enough to understand a love poem with references to a cinematic masterpiece like Scott Pilgrim. You just wanted her to be your Ramona Flowers, and here she was showing all her friends the poem you wrote and laughing at you. Why were women like this? Didn't they know what a NICE GUY you were? Aoi had too much spunk, too much independence, too strong willed. She was probably a lesbian anyway. Why did you always try to see the best in these girls, when all they wanted was some chad like that red haired 17 year old boy that had moved in next door to Ichika Usami and stolen all of their attention away from a nice, smart boy like you. 

You knew better than to argue with these shrieking harpies, they wouldn't understand the points you made anyway... and they had all those pathetic white knight beta simps backing them up, who called you things like INCEL, or CREEP, or LOSER. Just because you wanted a real laifu waifu to engage with intellectually, who would challenge your brainpower, but not too much because they would still know their place as a woman. A virgin, pure, innocent, sweet. Under 5 feet, so you didn't feel like a manlet, and there was no way in hell she could be over 100 pounds. It made you so mad you could hardly stand it, you felt like throwing your fedora on the ground in a rage.

Then you heard her. Like a tiny, meek, mousy angel. So scared to talk, but.. so sweet. Like custard made by a goddess... Himari Arisugawa. She was a real cutie, but you were pretty sure she hated you after last time you talked, when you called her a loli and she got all mad at you and ran off, but, here she was, back again. "I t-t-t-thought the poem was pretty sweet, Y/N. Ummm.. I know you're probably busy but, ummm there's this show I really like, but I only understand some of it.. I was hoping m-maybe..." She was pressing her fingers together, like Hinata, from naruto.. Before they ruined it and made Sasuke's kid a girl. How were you supposed to relate to a girl character. You weren't a girl. So stupid. Total garbage.

"W-would you like to come over and watch Rick and Morty with me, Y/N? You're so smart, I bet you get every joke on a m-metaphysical level...."

To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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