Part 8

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Y/n went to the market in search of food, to say the least riva village is very costly. Since there are alot of merchants here. It's really hard to find anything that costs low.

Ma'am! Wait!

Yes? Y/n said.

You dropped your money!, The guy said.

Oh thank you sir!

It's okay!

Sir could I ask you a favor?

Yes ma'am

Me and my mate and his friend desperately need some food, please can you tell me where can I get food for a low price?

Oh ma'am nothing in riva is low priced...

I know but please...

It's okay I can make food arrangements for you, can you take me to your mate? I'll bring the food.

Okay thank you so much sir, both my mate and I our grateful for your kindness.

No need to thank me.

What's your name by the way?

Oh umm choi y/n.

Choi y/n...?



Did you not recognize me!?!

Do we know eachother?!?

Yess!! Jung hoseok I'm your hobi!!


They both hugged eachother, like two bestfriends meeting after a decade.

Omg hobi what are you doing here?!? In riva!?!

Dad wanted me to be like him and you know since childhood I never wanted that...

Hmm, I'm still surprised i couldnt recognize you!!

Forget bout that, you have a mate!?!?!

Yes... his name is kim namjoon

Okay is this namjoon guy good?

Yes very...

How are you here y/n?

Just... things happened and life got tough so we ended up here...

What happened?

Y/n explained it all till they reached the river side where namjoon and jin had already made an stay arrangement.

Y/n your back- oh who is that with you? And why is there his scent all over you? Namjoon questioned.

It would be a lie if namjoon said he wasnt hurt. Your mate having someone's scent rather than yours is quite hurting.. namjoon was also jealous the guy seemed really happy with a big smile but namjoon knows that y/n is not someone who would cheat he has trust in her.

Oh joon he is hobi, hobi meet my mate namjoon, y/n introduced them.

Hobi is my childhood friend or even bestfriend.

But I never saw him all these years?

He didnt live in the same village joon he lived in a different village.

Oh okay!

That explained all of namjoons worries and questions. They had food altogether and jin, hobi and joon got well along. They all just went to sleep while jin decided to guard. Hoseok apparently wasnt in a great condition either. He did have the money for food but not for a stay anywhere. Hoseok used to stay anywhere he found a good place.

They all decided to take turns to guard.



I'm scared...

Its okay y/n we will find a way out of it.

I hope so.

Morning came and the group of friends decided to travel through the market.

What made them shocked was that. The news of king finding an omega and 2 alphas was spreaded everywhere. The whole market was talking about it.

Y/n escaping must have triggered the kings ego alot.

We need to get out of here the guards will find us!! We need to go! Said hoseok.


We need to-

Y/n !

Yoongi oppa!

Thank God your okay oppa! I was so worried, I'm so sorry you got hurt because of me.

Y/n this isnt the time for this we need to get out of here! I need you to be safe.

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