It's been a while

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I haven't drawn anything for a while right? 🤧 I'm very busy to the point I forgot what I enjoyed the most.. doing what I like, I already forgotten how amazing it feels like..

I drew this last night-- I took example from a digital art (artist: firecracker) because it looks cool and awesome

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I drew this last night-- I took example from a digital art (artist: firecracker) because it looks cool and awesome.. so I tried to draw Zhongli too.. Anyone else play Genshin Impact here? Haha..

Zhongli is my main DPS in team.. and my main support too.. The only character in game that I crown all the skills.

I'm thinking that he would look nice if he sat by the door and look at you

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I'm thinking that he would look nice if he sat by the door and look at you.. like, what're you doing? Without wearing a proper clothes 🤧 urgh he's hawt---I'm gei for him--

 like, what're you doing? Without wearing a proper clothes 🤧 urgh he's hawt---I'm gei for him--

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Okay bye

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Okay bye. That's all~ I don't know what else I should be talking bout---💁🏻


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