Hi I'm anna and this is my crazy life story.

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As far as I can remember my mother always hated me.
Whenever I ask her why she'd say 'U look just like ur father a traitor and u act just like him too!'
I never really understood what she meant by that.

Fast forwad a couple of years I was 9 I came home from school with a bruise. when mom saw it she asked me what had happened.

And I told her everything about Linda, Ashley and Emily bullying me at school.
And all I got in response from her was a
'U deserve it for looking like and dressing like homeless person.

I was so sad that my own mother could say such a thing to her own daughter.
U know what scratch that she never acted like my mother she always acted like I was some sort of burden.
Like I didint sell lemonade , mow lawns and clean windows for our neighbors just to come home at a few minutes late and get screamed at to got clean the house.

And all she ever did was drink , eat , scream at me and bring random men home every single night.
I was tired of her taking me forgrsnted treating me like trash and taking advantage of the part of me still thinking we could actually have moth daughter relationship.

As I turned 11 the bullying got worse I mean were talking about the early 2000 so being flat was in and I'd get made fun of because I wasn't.

2 years later I Honestly looked older than I was so I thought I'd put it to good use.
A eady enough got a job at Chuck-E-Cheese.
I obviously hid it from my mother because i knew that she'd take all the money from that too. I kept and saved every single penny I got from that job.

At age 15 I was at school one day when I got called into the principal's office I thought I was in trouble but the principle just said.

:there's someone here to see u he says he's ur father.
I was confused because I didint have a father yet what if this guy was my father and plus I didint have anything to lose.
Within seconds this fancy rich looking guy came in.

:are the so called my father?
:excuse me miss... wait uh.. no no iam sorry iam his driver.
:who's driver?
:ur fathers driver.

The driver looked rich himself I thought to my self my dad must be filthy rich to have that fancy looking driver.

I got in this fancy car and was driven to this gigantic mansion that looked like a castle.

We walked inside and there hair , makeup artists and fashionistas were waiting for me. They gave me a whole make over I looked like a million bucks.

and then we went to meet him.
He started crying at the sight of me.

He told me that my mother and him had a fling in hight school but then discovered that she was not only a gold digger but that she was cheating too.
And that he never knew he had a daughter out there and if he did he would have taken custody of me.
I was so happy to know that someone accually cared about me.

But after those words he said something I'd never thought I would hear.
He said that he had cancer that he was dying af that he didint have an heir to his company and that he was hoping I'd wanna be his heir.
Without thinking I accepted.

But there was one problem I wasn't 18 yet and I had to get a way to get my mother to sign me out of her custody and give me over to dad instead.

But sure enough I got a plan, it was easy as long as it was about money.

I came home to mom smiling and telling her I won the lottery and the fool she actually believed it and then I said there's a problem tho .
-What's the problem she asked.
And I said -well I am not 18 yet so I cant collect the money without a guardian signing that i am indeed allowed to.
It didint take her 10 seconds for her to sign the custody papers.
Next morning while she was sleeping I packed my stuff and left one week later was my birth day and I got a Lamborghini and got my driver's license in the same week i turned 16 after that day I drove to my moms house in the Lamborghini and when my mother saw me she was furious she said that the money I used to but the Lamborghini was her's and that all the lottery money I ran away with was her's to.

And that's when I decided to drop the bomb on her. I told her that I never won any lottery that that I met my father that and that I got his inheritance and company to run and that he was very sick but there was a chance he could live and that the papers she signed gave custody of me to him.
She smiled and then said.

-wow I knew u were something special I knew I'd make me proud.
But I wasn't falling for her tricks.
She was shameless like she really asked me too forgive for everything and let her back into my life and share some of the others with my "poor starving mother that worried and care for me as a baby"

I was so mad and angry that she actually had the nerve to do that so I left.
2 werks later she called asking for money saying it's my turn to take care of he I told her no and then told her that she was no longer a mom to me and hung up.
She got evicted because I was the one paying for the apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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