🦋 𝑃𝑎𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠 🦋

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Seungmin and Jisung are both walking near the park. Yes, they're still together.

What happened you ask? Well...


Felix POV:

"Felix, can I borrow Min for a while too?" Jisung looked at Felix while smiling

"Uh, yeah sure. I'll go to Hyunjin hyung"

I walked out and hid behind a wall, once they both started walking I followed them. Besides, I have nothing to do anyways and I bet Hyunjin is in Minho's house again doing "assignments"

Once they both went outside the the door that leads to the rooftop, I slightly opened the door to listen.

I heard everything.

-The time where Seungmin and Felix met outside the library-

"I am, the secret admirer"

"Felix I-"

"I heard"

"It's okay" Felix added

"I'm sorry..."

"It's okay Min... I just want to say I love you so much, I hope we still can be best friends"

"I'm really sorry, please... please stay as my best friend"

"Can I have a hug from my..... bestfriend?" Felix opened his arms wide, Seungmin hugged him immediately

-end of flashback-

"Baby?" Seungmin snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Jisung

"Yea?" Jisung cooed at his boyfriend's cuteness

"Hey, are you still worried about Lix?"

"Yeah... kind of" Seungmin pouted whilst Jisung cupped Seungmin's cheeks and kissed him on the nose then on the lips.

You're probably wondering, what happened to Felix? Nothing really happened to Felix himself, but his grandmother passed away a week ago. Felix went home to Australia for a while. And you're probably wondering, why is Seungmin worried? Well, it's because Felix hasn't texted nor called any of them ever since he left.

Jisung immediately looked at his phone when he felt a vibration. Someone's calling so he answered the call

-after the call coz your author is lazy af-

"Who's that?" Seungmin looked at Jisung witg puppy eyes hoping that it is Felix or someone connected with him

"Secret baby, you'll know later. Now let's go to Chan hyung's cafe" That's all Jisung said and pulled the pouting Seungmin with him running to their car.

-Chan's cafe-

"Why are we even here"  Seungmin pouted

"You'll see baby" Jisung kissed Seungmin's forehead and pulled him inside

Once they got in, Seungmin noticed a familiar customer.

"Is that...?"

"Yow Felix!" Jisung waved at him and pulled Seungmin 

"Hey Jisung! Hi Min!"

Seungmin hugged the other immediately

"Why weren't you calling or texting ussssss" Seungmin pouted

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we were busy the whole week that's why."

"YONGBOK-AAAAHHHHHH" They heard Changbin along with Lee Know, Hyunjin, Chan, and Jeongin

They spent the day together having fun, shopping, and doing other fun stuff together.

-the next day-

Seungmin went out and got himself a ice cream while Jisung was still sleeping

While he was on the way back, he saw Jisung

"Jisung hyung!"

"MINNIE!" Jisung ran to him

"Hey! I thought you were gone or I don't know, what if someone kidnapped you?"

"Chill, I'm old now"

"Says the one who acts like a baby and eating an ice cream right now"

"Because, I'm your baby. And, since you wouldn't wake up, I got myself an ice cream"

"What about me?"

"Get yourself one"

"Fine" Jisung cupped Seungmin's cheeks and licked the ice cream on his lips and pecked him

"C'mon, let's go home. I'll make breakfast" Jisung walked as if nothing happened

"Hey! you can't just steal a peck from your boyfriend!" Seungmin pouted while running to catch up with Jisung

"You're my boyfriend, I could steal a peck anytime" Jisung looked back and waited for Seungmin to catch up. When Seungmin finally catched up, Jisung took a quick peck again



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