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Keyvon POV- It's been about a month now living with Ziari. I'm so focused on school, and sports that when I get home I just like to rest.. Lately I've been trying to do some DoorDash immediately after practice so I can have enough money for us and shit but my girl be missing me, I be missing her way more, after a long day I be needing some love and rest, but she gotta understand I'm trying to make a way so we can have somewhere to stay cause I refuse to let her pay by herself.
Ziari POV- Living with Keyvon is great, however it just seems like we're never spending any quality time with each other, after my classes, i have cheer practice, after cheer practice i have to hair and nail appointments, with Keyvon he has classes, practice, workouts and sometimes he Doordash.. When we get home we're just tired and drained, we barely even talk.. Just come home, shower and rest.

This week was a rest week for Ziari's cheer team. They weren't gonna do any practices this week, she decided that it was not only gonna be her rest week from cheer but from doing hair and nails as well so she took a break from it that week, so she was at home resting and catching up on school work. Ziari decides that she wants to make Keyvon feel special when he gets home, she knows he had a long day and all she wants to do is make him feel great when he gets home. She grabs her thong and her robe, does her hair and makeup. Then, she goes to cook his favorite meal. The time was 7:58, he gets out of practice at 8, he usually gets home at 8:30-9, so she had a little time to finish cooking.

Keyvon walks off the field with his teammates and into the locker room.
"Ayo, y'all trynna slide and get something to eat?" One of his teammates asked
"Yeah I want some fucking Hibachi" Another one said
"Yo? Keyvon you trynna come bro?" They ask
"Yeah fasho, let me text my girl and let her know" Keyvon said. He looked at his phone and realized it was dead.
"Ah shit anybody got a charger?" Keyvon asked
Everyone said no.

Keyvon POV- Hopefully she will understand, I won't even be out for that long anyway, me and the guys going out in our practice clothes so you know we ain't out here trynna be seen or nothing.

Keyvon and his boys go out to eat.
Ziari checks the time, he texts Keyvon.
"Where is he?" She asked herself. Her message doesn't go through so she calls him but it goes straight to voicemail. She checks his location but it's unavailable. That's when her anxiety went up, memories started to reappear in her mind from when he was going behind her back with Stephanie.

Ziari POV- I'm trusting my man, I'm tryin to come up with any scenario right now.. He can't be DoorDashing because I'm assuming his phone is fully powered off, he can't still be at practice, where could he possibly be?!

Keyvon sat at the table with his boys eating. He thought about Ziari and he silenced himself.. All the memories of Ziari crying over him and Stephanie, the arguments about trust and communication started to hit him

Keyvon POV- I wanna go home to my babygirl but damn I don't wanna leave the guys.. I just hope she understands me man.. Should I leave now? What do I do?

  Ziari sat at the table and ate all by herself. She took her lashes and makeup off and did her nightly routine. She laid in bed overthinking questioning where her baby was.. She knew if she stayed up then the memories and thoughts would eat her alive, so instead she took a sleeping pill to help her sleep.. She got under the covers.
"God.. I don't know where my baby is, but wherever he is keep him safe.. Please" She said. She closed her eyes and fell asleep

  Keyvon decided to grab Ziari some hibachi before leaving.
"This should make her happy" He said to himself. He went home.
"Baby?" He said. It was a quiet dark setting , he turned the kitchen light on.
"Babygirl, I'm home" He said.
He looked at the food on the stove

Keyvon POV- Fuck... My princess cooked my favorite food for me tonight.. I feel like a dick right now.

Keyvon walks in the room and sees Ziari sleeping peacefully, he let out a sigh. Keyvon took a shower, got in the bed with Ziari and wrapped his arms around her and held her as he fell asleep.

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