Chapter 1 ~❤~

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Their was only two more girls in front of me.then their was only one.Now its just me, Its me standing behind of that bright green line or duck tape whatever it was, a buff tall man wearing all black told me to stay behind it. I didn't say anything i only took a little step back. The girl that was in front of me was holding Matthews hand, i wasn't jealous at all because i knew that was going to be me in a few minutes i was just smiling and waiting. I was so ready to meet the guys I'm in love with and that the last time i saw was in my phone, in a little screen. But the thing i was confused about is that why was i so excited to meet someone that wont even remember me right after he sees me or right after he asks for my name because I'm just a fan... right? that's all i am he might tell me he loves me that hes going to miss me but he wont mean it.. because I'm just a fan.

Matt looked up to take a picture with the girl, she was pointing at a man that was takes our phone to take the picture. When Matt tried to look up to the Camry our eyes connected we looked at each other for more than 1 or 2 or 3 or even 10 seconds we just stood their and looked at each other and he gave me a half smile and i smiled back . The man said "can we take a another one? Matt you weren't looking." "oh my bad,my bad" Matt says smiling and leaning against the girl. she hugs him goodbye and he says "bye" with a smile and pulling her in for another hug.

i walk towards Matt the second the buff man stretches his whole arm leading me to Matt. Matt puts both of his hands in his pockets and he says "hi" with a blush "hi Matt" i say as i stretch my arm out to hand it to the guy that take the pictures, when i get close enough to i don't know.. hug him i just stand their and he takes his hands out of his pockets and goes for it.. i wasn't expecting it, he puts his arms around my waist and i slowly rest my head on his shoulder "whats your name?" Matt asks "Daniela" i say with a blush "you're beautiful.." Matthew whispers in my ear, i tried to keep my cool and i said "i bet you say that to every fan" we still hugged i would've let go but.. he didn't. "No i don't, why do you think I'm whispering then? Matt says with now only his hands around my waits and now were face to face "i don't know" i replay with a blush "i do" he says "you do?" i say laughing "yeah, because its true" Matthew says with a cute smile on his face "oh" i say with my face way more red i felt like if it was 1,000 degrees out "yeah" he say still looking at me in the same position.

"are you guys ready? yeah, you two Romeo and Juliet!?" the guys with my phone screams

"aww" "oh my god!" "i got that on video" "Matt!!" those were basically the only words that the whole crowd of girls roared right after the guy yell that.He put his hands over his mouth and whispered "I'm sorry" like 10 times Matt and i just laughed "it fine, its fine. Just take the picture" Matt says. We both smile as he takes the picture and when hes done Matt reaches for my phone and starts to type things on it.. "what are you doing" i say as he still has his left arm around my waist and i was resting my elbow on his shoulder "im making sure you are follow ing me in all of my social media" Matthew says being sarcastic, then he moves the side of his face so he can whisper directly into my ear "I'm giving you my phone number.. please don't leak it" Matt says "i wont" i say as i bite the bottom of my lip "okay" Matt say giving me a half smile "bye" i say as i give him another hug "bye" he say giving me a tight squeeze back i walk away and turn around and say "Hey Matt i think I'm going to the same hotel as you?" i remembered "Beverly Hills?!" he says in a loud whisper "yes" i say with a laugh "see you their" Matt says with a half smile "bye Matt" i say as he smiles.❤

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