fourth year

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another year, another round of loud, little first years. woohoo! you though to yourself as you unpack all your things into your dorm. just at that moment hermione comes into your dorm.
"y/n, i was looking for you! what are you doing?"
"oh sorry, i was in here unpacking my stuff. why? are we meant to be in the great hall again this year for the sorting?! it's so boring though, watching some sticky-fingered first years get sorted."
"oh come on, just a few years ago you were on of those 'sticky-fingered first years' too!" hermione mocked, "besides some of them are actually quite decent this year, it's the new second years that think they own the place now that are menaces. i mean, they walk around with their noses in the air and chests puffed out! they not only look ridiculously ridiculous but utterly stupid as well!"
"really? i haven't even seen any of them! i saw like two on the train but they looked perfectly fine to me!" you laugh.
"you've got to be kidding! they're everywhere!"
"to be honest, i really can't tell the difference between a first and a second year. they all look the same," you reply, grabbing a hanger and sliding one of your shirts onto it.
"oh well, you'll definitely see them in the great hall! come on let's go, finish unpacking later we're going to get into trouble if we're late!" hermione says, rushing you.
"ok ok! i'm coming one second let me just fold this and the- WOAHHH WAIT!" you yell but hermione ignores you and continues to pull you by the wrist down the corridors.
"if we 'waited' any longer we would've gotten in lots of trouble! you know how professor mcgonagall is when people are late!"
"yeah but i was almost done!" you say annoyed you didn't get to finish folding the last few clothes you had packed.
"finish later, come, you can sit with me, ron and harry. although, i haven't seen them in the school yet, last time i saw them they were taking their trunks out of the cart we were sat in, also who did you sit with on the way to hogwarts?" hermione questions, whilst sitting down at the gryffindor table as she had done every year.
"oh, me? i sat with luna, ginny and neville," you answer.
"oh right because i swear i saw you with draco!"
"HA really? could you imagine ME sat with draco malfoy, never!"
"sure, i know you sat with draco on the way here for first year!" she teased. you role your eyes,
"i had no idea what i was getting myself into, ok! besides he was quite rude to me anyway."
"okkk miss riddle" she says laughing at the fact you were getting so defensive. 3 hours later
you're exhausted and just want to go to sleep. before you do so you decided to go see if you could find draco. indeed you did, he was in the slytherin common room. some first year that was in slytherin accidentally gave you the password the room. you slowly enter and see draco sat on a chair reading a book.
"draco? hey! it's y/n," you say walking towards him.
"y/n?! what are you doing in here?! you know you shouldn't be in here, right?" he looks at you confused and turns his head side to side to make sure no one saw you.
"yeah i know but i was looking for you," you say.
"ok what is it? actually, come to my dorm, don't let anyone see you though! snape will be super mad if he sees you in here!" draco takes your hand and leads you to his dorm room. as soon as he shuts the door quietly behind him he asks you, "ok so what did you need to tell me?"
"oh nothing, i was bored," you knew right well this was just an excuse to talk with him even though you were exhausted. the thought of talking to draco woke you up. he made your heart happy and all your insides warm. there was something about him that made you feel a way you hadn't felt for anyone else before. was this how falling in love felt? two years ago you were telling him how you don't want a relationship! who knew this is how you would feel about him in two/three years!
"oh ok! i actually kind of wanted to see you too," he says, almost seeming serious but not quite being serious as well.
"oh! ok what did you want to say?"
"well...for starters i was gonna ask where you were on the train after we had finished talking..."
"oh um i went back to where i was sat before we started talking."
"i know," he says.
"uhh ok? why'd you ask then?" you say confused.
"no reason, anyway. why did you say to mudbloo- i mean granger, that you would never sit with me before, at the sorting for the first years?"
"what are you talking about?" you say, hoping he would just think he was hallucinating, forget about the whole topic and drop it.
"you know what i'm talking about," he says, sorta sternly.
"draco, i have no idea what you're on about but whatever you think i said, i didn't."
"mmm ok sure," he says. he was so confusing, one second you thought he was upset or angry with you and the next he was fine with you and totally liked you again!
"ok whatever, i should go back to my dorm now, bye draco. goodnight, see you tomorrow." you say getting up. he pulls your arm and you sit back down wondering what the fuck is going on inside his head.
"umm ok? what are you doing?"
"y/n you should probably stay here, snape will be out in the common room checking everyone's asleep, he'll definitely see you if you leave now."
"ok so how am i supposed to get back to my dorm?"
"well you should've really thought about that before coming in here, you don't see me sneaking around to get into the gryffindor common room."
"ok that was a mistake but still, how do i get back?"
"i dunno. guess you'll have to sleep in here for tonight."
"draco! there's no way! i can't do that! it's against the rules!"
"and you know what else is against the rules? going into other common rooms yet you still broke them and came into the slytherin common room didn't you?"
"ok but that's not the point! i can't sleep in here!"
"why not? you don't like the idea of sharing a bed with me?" he says raising an eyebrow.
"ok whatever! and i can't sleep in here because what if snape comes into your dorm at night?! then what would i do?"
"as if. he wouldn't ever go into someone's dorm at night. if that were to happen he would probably tell us before we went to sleep and the last thing i remember him telling us is that we all have to be upstairs and ready for dinner by eight o'clock."
"ugh fine," you say reluctantly, slowly you two place your bodies onto the mattress and pull the cover over you. is this real life? you were sleeping in your crushes bed! damnnn.
"it's kinda cold in here so just tell me if it gets too cold for you, ok?" he says sleepily.
"ok," you say curious of what he would fo if you did say that. 1 hour later you're still awake and still quite warm, although it was getting kind of cold. you couldn't stop thinking about draco and what he would do if you told him you were cold...worth a shot?
"draco..." you say tapping him, "i'm really cold"
"hmm?" he says slowly waking up, "ok come here" he says. you look at him very confused and go closer. he wraps his arms around you and cuddles you. "better?" he asks looking down at you, snuggled into his chest.
"much." you say, your heart racing inside. this was day ONE and it was off to a great start to the year already! this was gonna be fun. 3 months later it was december, the month of the yule ball. you had no idea number one, what to wear and number two, if you should ask draco to go with him. 1 week later you had plucked up the courage to ask him, so off you went. first you looked in the library and draco wasn't there so then you tried the slytherin common room and no one was in there either, then you looked in the great hall and yet again, no one except a few people none of which were draco were in there either. where could he be? you checked everywhere until your legs ached and feet were killing. you had been up and down stairs all day and even skipped half your breakfast to go find him. you hadn't attended a single class that day because draco wasn't in any of them. you had tried multiple different places and draco was in none of them. there was one place you hadn't yet checked though. the astronomy tower. up you went. to the very top of hogwarts. geez this took ages but it was all worth it if draco said yes! that thought kept you going. you hadn't seen any of your friends that day except from breakfast, yes you skipped lunch and dinner. you were almost sure draco had been in one place you hadn't checked all day especially because he wasn't at breakfast. the only place you hadn't checked was the astronomy tower. 10 minutes later you finally make it to the top and see draco standing at the balcony looking down.
"draco! where have you been! i've been looking for you all day! why weren't you at breakfast?"
"ok y/n calm down i skipped everything today and was up here." he said slowly, still looking down.
"and why is that? you haven't eaten anything all day?" you questioned, quite worried.
"no." he said coldly. you could tell something was hurting him and he didn't want to tell you. you calmed down and stopped freaking out. slowly you walked forward and stood next to him. he looked at you when you weren't looking and instead staring downwards like how he was just moments before.
"i didn't feel like doing anything today, sorry
y/n," he said.
"it's fine...i was just worried about you, that's all," you said "but draco, please do go down and eat something, i'll come with you if you like, i barely ate anything today as well!" you laugh.
"what? why not? why didn't you eat? go down and eat right now and if you don't i'll mak-.." he stopped, "let's both go down, ok?"
"that's what i was hoping to hear." you say soothingly. this time you take his hand and you walk down the millions of stairs to the great hall, not saying much the entire time until you actually got into the huge room.
"Y/N RIDDLE WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL DAY?!" hermione screamed at you, she had been worried sick that you had barely eaten a thing and didn't attend and of your classes that day either.
"i'm fine don't worry about me!" you say trying your best to smile.
"AND WHY ON EARTH ARE YOU HOLDING DRACO MALFOY'S HAND?!" she yelled. shit. you forgot you had been holding his hand the entire time. how was you gonna get out of this one? there was no lying this time you were gonna have to come clean, unless you could think of another excuse but then draco would for sure ask you why you lied and then you'd have to come up with another lie to back up your first lie! oh it was all so complicated what was you gonna do?!
"oh umm well- i was just- i- well the thing is- um"
you didn't know where to start or how to even explain.
"well, mudblood, if you so badly need to know where and what y/n was doing all day she wasn't feeling well, so of course she didn't attend her classes, and for the food part, i brought her food to her!" draco lied. you nudged him and he raised both eyebrows at you for a split second, oh fuck. you guys were still holding hands. quickly you slid your hand out of his. hermione was stunned. what the fuck. she always knew what to say, why wasn't she saying anything?
"oh i know what's going on here! neither of you have been in here today. i would'be known. since ron spend half his days eating in here he would've seen either one of you and as far as i'm aware..." she shot a stern look to ron, "have either of them been in here today?" she asked.
"them, no? i haven't seen them," ron said in between chewing and biting the food he was eating. you stared at ron. fuck.
"exactly, so either you were together or there's another reason neither one of you have been in here today." she accused.
"they were probably fucking each other in malfoy's dorm!" blaise yelled from the slytherin table, laughing. that had set the whole school off. everyone had started thinking you and malfoy were dating! which was definitely not true, you totally wanted it to be true but no, it was nothing more than a rumour that seemed scarily real. just joking, it wasn't scary at all, but whenever someone saw you and draco talking or walking together they would bring it up again. 1 week later everyone had calmed down with the whole 'draco and y/n are dating' thing. so you could finally ask him to go to the yule ball together. it was exactly 2 weeks from the ball and you hadn't prepared a bit! first you had to go ask draco and if he said no that was that. you found him at the slytherin table, eating with crabbe, goyle and blaise.
"hey," you said to him, sitting down. everyone was staring at you wondering what was gonna happen next.
within a few seconds the entire table was filled with "oooooh!" and "oh my god what's going on?!" you ignored them and continued.
"y/n! i have to something to ask you!" draco said shooting up.
"oh really? me too!" you say.
"ok on 3...1 2 3!" you both say in unison, "will you go the yule ball with me? wait what! you wanted to ask me that?!" the pair of you started laughing.
"well, sure!" you say, smiling at him, happy he wanted to ask you as well. 2 weeks later the day of the yule ball came. here's what you wore:

and here's what draco wore:

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and here's what draco wore:

the pair of you looked so good together it was adorable

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the pair of you looked so good together it was adorable. your hairstyle looked stunning:

you were so happy about how everything was going so smoothly! the yule ball was an absolute hit and so fun! all eyes were on you and draco

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you were so happy about how everything was going so smoothly! the yule ball was an absolute hit and so fun! all eyes were on you and draco. you guys definitely were the hottest "couple" there.

took you long enough reader x draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now