Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own the books Percy Jackson and the Olympians or the Heros of Olympus, Rick Riordan does.

Hera's Point of View


       As I gazed down upon the Agro II I couldn't help but notice that Leo was all alone in the kitchen. Jason and Piper were on the deck staring up at the sky, Percy and Annabeth were in Percy's room cuddling on his bed and Frank and Hazel were training. I couldn't stop the thoughts that crossed my room next. These demigods needed to learn about what made Leo, well Leo. They tell him to go away and stop joking around but I bet if Leo was missing they wouldn't know what to do. He was an important part of this quest and if these peope don't understand him how will they ever learn to appreciate him. They need to trust him to be able to fight together. There's an idea. These demigods can learn about Leo by watching his memories. I may not like it but I have grown to care for him as I did raise him a little. He was such a cute kid too.


        I summoned the seven to the lounge on the Argo through the devices on the ship that Leo installed for group meetings and such. After they all entered and sat down on the couched I decided to make myself known.

        "Hello demigods, it has come to me that you all don't trust each other enough to complete this quest successfully. Therefore I am going to show you the memories of one Leo Valdez as it seems you trust him the least.".

        After that was said I was met with many angry reasons as to why they shouldn't do that. A few were "That's an invasion of privacy" from Hazel, Frank, and Annabeth.  "We trust eachother" was another reason from Jason, Piper and Percy. Leo simply said "No" with a glare that would have sent shivers down my spine if I was not a goddess.

        "I'm sorry but this has to be done and the sooner you watch this the sooner you can go back to doing that you were doing. Oh by the way, time has been slowed so no need to worry and you're stuck in this room until you're done" with that said I flashed out of the room before anything could be said.

Leo's Point of View


        "As much as I hate to do this to you buddy let's just get this over with." Jason said with a slight frown.

        "It would be better if it wasn't my memories." I grumbled.

        As the television flickered to life I prepared myself for emotional trauma and a lot of questions.   


Tada, here's the first chapter. Should I continue? Feel free to comment ideas for future memories. Thanks for reading. :)


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