Chapter 3

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Happy Easter everyone! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own the books Percy Jackson and the Olympians or the Heros of Olympus, Rick Riordan does.


Jason's Point of View

        I have to admit Leo was a pretty cute kid with his unruly black curls bouncing into his face with each step. Kids are normally pretty cute but his elvish features made him even cuter as a kid. 

        Leo looked about four in this memory, he was sleeping under a blanket with a teddy bear curled in his arms. He looked to be having touble sleeping. His eyebrows were scruntched together to form a line across his forhead. All of a sudden his eyes snapped open to reveal panic and fear in his eyes. He pushed his blankets back to reveal a onsie with little lions on them. 

        "What did you dream about? It looks like you're terrified." Hazel asked, concern filling her face.

        "I'm sure it will b explained later, let's just watch this so we can leave sooner." Leo replied with a small frown. 

       Little Leo grabbed a flashlight from the window sill beside his bed, he swung his head over the bed so he could look under the bed. After making sure there was nothing there he lifted his head and put his feet in the ground. Leo took little steps over to the open closet. Once he reached it he poked his head in. There was nothing there so he rushed out of his bedroom, his flashlight swinging around wildly from side to side. He ran down the hall and opened a door that lead to the master bedroom. Leo slowed to a walk and when he reached the bed he scrambled up. He turned off his flashlight and set it on the nightstand. He than sat beside his mother and proceeded to poke her shoulder. 

        Esperanza's eyes fluttered open, once she caught sight of the terror on little Leo's face her eyes snapped open and she looked wide awake. She pulled the blanket back to silently invite Leo to come into her arms. He rushed right into her arms and proceeded to sigh in content. 

        "Why do you look so scared chiquito (1)? Did you have a bad dream?" Esperanza asked softly.

       What looked to be a moving lump in the bed was actually Leo's head bobbing up and down from where he was hidden under the blanket, only the end of a few chocolate brown curls showing that there was someone beneath the blankets. 

        "Do you want to tell me what it was about or is my little lion to brave?" She asked with a little smirk playing on her lips.

        Jason was trying to place just wear he had seen that exact look before until it hit him like a brick to the face, Leo makes that exact same face when he was telling jokes or messing around.

         "Did you know you and your mother make the exact same expressions when you're joking around?" Jason questioned Leo with a small smile.

        "I didn't know that. I mean, why would I? She died when I was little so there is actually very little I remember aout her clearly." Leo replied calmly.

Jason thought he was much to calm about the whole thing, everyone besides Piper and himself looked at Leo in shock. They clearly weren't aware Leo's mother no longer was part of the living. That little fact made Jason feel a little bit proud that he knew something about the latino that he didn't feel comfertable telling just anybody. 

        "I am a strong lion!" Leo announced proudly. " I just wanted to tell you why I was here.". 

        "Uh huh. Well than you better get going on this bad dream so we can go back to sleep sooner." Esperanza said with a loving look in her eyes. 

        "Okay, I was walking in the park when I heard someone screaming. I ran to where it was coming from and there was a really pretty girl with cinnamon hair being beat up by these big guys in weird toga like things, anyway, she fought back but it seemed like she was being hurt real bad and I wanted to help her but when I tried to go over to her it felt like I was stuck in place. I wanted to yell for help but I couldn't speak. Than when it all blacked out I was burning in a big bowl of fire with you and there was evil laughing from the ground. I was so strange and scary and I just want to sleep." Leo said all this very quickely, his fingers tapping rapidly on his leg as he spoke.

        "I'll always be here for you chiquito (1), you have no need to worry about me and as for this pretty girl well I'm sure she would be happy you tried your best to help her my little hero." she says ruffling his hair. "Now let's get some sleep, it's a big day tomorrow and we both need to be well rested. Night Night Leo, I love you.".

        "Night Night, I love you too." Leo answered with a yawn.

        Leo looked at the scream with longing and a little bit of pain in his eyes. This wasn't going to be a good experience for him. 

        "Leo? Why did that dream scare you so much?" Piper asked, Frank and Hazel nodding along as she spoke. 

        "I'm not sure why that dream bothered me. I've had worse dreams long before that one showed up and I never needed to be comforted. I guess it must have been how useless I felt. I couldn't save her and that upset me a lot. I should have done something to help her." .

        "There was nothing you could have done Leo you know that right?" Hazel asked softly. 

        "Yeah I know, let's just go to the next memory please." Leo replied with a sigh.


(1) Chiquito = Little one


Please feel free to correct me. I do not speak Spanish so if there are any mistakes in the Spanish or in general please let me know. Any feedback is appreciated as well as ideas for future memories. 


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