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When I signed up for this, I knew the risks. 

I fought against it many times, doubting I would get through it. However, I went against my better judgment eventually, knowing this was the right thing to do, the only way to get back what I wanted. What I needed.

All of that led me to this: being tied up to a chair, blindfolded, unaware of what was going on around me. My head still spinning from passing out god knows how long ago. 

My brain was already used to the limited time we all had to complete these challenges: one hour that usually felt like a bunch of useless minutes. 

I wasn't afraid, just very annoyed at the lack of creativity.

"Wow. Gotta say this is such an original move. I'm impressed." - I asserted out loud. I was a panting mess.

The room was so hot and filled with body odor, something my nostrils had gotten used to. I myself was sweaty from head to toe, in a drenched sports bra and a pair of leggings that were ripped all the way up my thigh. 

Today had been seriously tough, but my ego wouldn't admit it. 

We were supposed to climb all the way up this building without any equipment, with no perception of what awaited us next. Not that I didn't like the unknown: it excited me.

All my life I've walked into the unknown, and these dares were a reminder of what I had gone through, of what I overcame, of what was still left to overcome.

The way up here was even harder if I think of the screams that came with it: some who slipped and fell in the process, some who turned and looked down at the misery that we were leaving past us.

I never looked down.

We ended up in a dark room, our heartbeat a clock ticking in anticipation. It was then when someone came up from behind with an handkerchief soaked in what I think was chloroform: that heartbeat suddenly stopped in fear, screams filling the room, but gradually becoming muffled as I lost consciousness.

Next thing I know I'm here in this room, all alone: a sudden determination overcame me, and I knew I could win this dare too. 

I had to get these restraints off, and quickly. I tried cutting the rope I was tied up with by placing it against the right angle of the chair and sawing through it, only to find out it was too thick: I wouldn't have made it out of here in time.

I started shimmying my hands free from the rope until I got one free: I then bit on one of the strands to loosen the rope, finally managing to set myself free. 

I uncovered my eyes: I was in a small, dark room. The place looked empty: no sight of any tools I could've used to keep these restrains off myself anyway. There was one single door in front of me tho, that looked unlocked to my surprise.

I managed to untie the rope at my feet and rushed to the door -  the very well known feeling of adrenaline picking up in my system.

As I got out, I found myself facing a long corridor, many doors on each side. That was when I started noticing the noises filling each room: a mixture of wining and crying reached my ears, noises of people struggling, falling from the same chair I was sitting on a few moments ago.

I couldn't waste any more time: I started running with everything I got, getting more and more aware of my advantage as I saw all the doors still locked on each side of the hallway.

A grin spread on my face, as I imagined grabbing the prize once again.

A set of stairs followed, and before I knew it I was kicking a door, repeatedly, trying to open it, knowing that the imaginary finish line was on the other side.

I kept on grunting and kicking until something made me stop: what I thought was the echo of my kicks, kept on going regardless.

I wasn't alone.

More precisely, I wasn't the only one kicking a door: there must've been another one on the opposite side of the room.

A competitor - that's new.

I started using all the strength I got left in me - I couldn't let anyone else have that prize.

I kicked and kicked until the door spread open. I instantly identified the object in the middle of the room: it was a real trophy this time - talking about being creative. I rushed to the center and fell to the ground, grabbing one handle of the much desired prize. 

My eyebrows furrowed as I saw a tattooed - full ringed- hand holding the other handle at the same time. That's when I realized the presence in front of me: I slowly lifted my head up to take in the person whose struggled breaths resonated in the whole room just as loud as mine.

Inches apart, his greedy striking green eyes set on mine, filling me with a sense of threat and elation. His light brown wavy hair was a mess, partly sticked to his face, long enough to reach his neck. His skin was covered in dust and sweat, emphasizing his eyes even more.

His mouth opened slightly, as if he was impressed just the same. His eyes going back and forth between mine, studying my face. His surprise suddenly morphed into a menacing expression. 

As I started pulling the thing in my direction, his thick arm reacted, pulling it back. 

His moistened lips moved as he spoke, a whisper that somehow filled the whole room -

"Don't even think about it, love."

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