t w e l v e.

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Dear Harry,

Waking up with you this morning, was honestly the most curious experience I've ever had in my life. Maybe pleasant in some kind of way... but it was curious for sure. I'd almost forgotten we've slept together last night.

It took me ages to gather the pieces of the past events: 'Fell asleep on the couch. My old TV still playing on the background. A storm outside my window.'

I wasn't able to remember a thing about it.

Not until I glanced up to your small figure wrapped around my waist -breathing heavily, curled up on the bed sheets. Your lips parted, curls tousled. Couldn't move a muscle. Heart pounding with fierce as realizing how close we're to each other.

Our noses almost touching, your eyelashes brushing against my cheeks. Having you in my arms, so weak... and vulnerable.

I felt like I was gonna pass out.

I've never slept with someone before. Not even with girls -unless not without really 'doing' anything before. This was an important issue. I've never been so nervous in my whole pathetic and boring life. So, I hesitated before waking you up, just wanting to avoid an embarrassment.

Huge was my surprise when noticing all my letters gathered on your left hand as your eyes were slowly opening...

Yours sincerely,


PS.: Today's the day of the party you invited me to.

But I'm honestly not sure if I wanna to go anymore.

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