Chapter 9~ He's innocent!

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Aaron's POV~

I sit on the curb next to two police officers. My cheeks were still wet with tears from watching Ohm get put in a police car and driven away. I've tried to explain that I wasn't kidnapped, that I went here willingly with my boyfriend for a date, but the police won't hear it. They think I'm one of those kidnapped kids who fall in love with their kidnapper.


I quickly stand up at the sound of Chilled's worried voice. "Anthony!" I call, running to him. Finally, someone who will believe me.

"Excuse me sir, may I talk with you for a moment?" The officer asks Adam who just got out of the car. Adam nods and walks to the side with the officer. They talk quietly so I won't hear them.

"What the hell happened?" Chilled asks, directing my attention back to him. "I need more context than an officer calling me saying you were kidnapped!"

"I didn't get kidnapped!" I snap. I'm sick of no one listening. "Ohm brought me to the roof for a picnic, someone saw and thought he forced me and called the cops. When they got here they saw Ohm on top of me, saying that I'm not going any where and they took it the wrong way!" I'm out of breath by the time I'm done. I watch Chilled's face for any sign that he believes me but see nothing. "Please believe me. Please, please believe me!" I plea.

Chilled wraps me in a tight hug. "Of course I believe you"

"You shouldn't." Adam snaps. I look up to see him standing there with his arms crossed. "The police told me how because Aaron loves Ohm, he wants to protect him. Aaron, he tried to hurt you! They saw it!"

My eyes widen and I start to shake. No. They got to Adam. I can't live with Adam not believing it. My breath is now shaky and my heart beat picks up. I start to sway in spot and feel unbalanced.

"Aaron? Are you alright? Slam?" Chilled's voice sounds like he's calling down a long tunnel. My legs give in and I'm on the ground. Within a second, my vision goes black.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

An annoying beep intrudes my ears. I move my hand around and feel thin sheets and a guardrail attached to what I lay on. Am I in the hospital?

I open my eyes slowly, slowing they to adjust to the harsh lighting. Once I can see, I notice that I am, in fact, in a hospital. Chilled lays curled up on a chair beside my bed, Ze laying on the floor at his feet, both are asleep.

"How do you know we can trust what the police saw? They only saw a second of what happened" a male voice whispers from outside my room.

"Because they're the police! I've never trusted Ohm and this only proves what I thought before, he's not a good person" another voice whispers back harshly.

"Just hear Aaron out, see what he has to say about all of this! We weren't there, we don't know if the police saw what they say of just think they saw it" the first voice reasons.

I hear someone grunt and then the door starts to open. I quickly close my eyes again and pretend to sleep.

"I'm not an idiot Aaron, I know you're awake" someone says. I open my eyes to see Max staring at me. "Adam just left to go get a nurse"

"What were you guys talking about out there?" I ask, my voice raspy from sleep.

"Oh, you heard that? Well, Adam doesn't believe that Ohm is innocent. I'm willing to hear you out though" he says. I nod and smile at him.

"why am I here?" I ask, confused.

"I don't know the whole story, just that you passed out...the officers insisted that you come here" Max informs me. Just then, a nurse walks, Adam right behind.

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