Forever Seaweed Brain and Wise Girl

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Heyyyy, Geekgirl531 here, hope you like this, and don't forget to vote on this, and hit that follow button! Thanks!

By Geekgirl531

"Hey Annabeth," Conner Stoll called from his place next to his brother, the renown prankster Travis Stoll. While Percy and I were at college in New Rome at Camp Jupiter, Travis Stoll was at college and supposedly Conner had mellowed. Now that Travis was back at Camp Half-Blood...well let's just say you had better check your back daily for 'Kick Me' signs.

I narrowed my eyes, my hand going the dagger at my side. No one trusted the Stoll brothers, and I was not about to. "What?" I asked warily, her feet light and ready to run.

"I've got a question," Conner said.

Uh-oh. I mentally chided myself for responding to him.

"Leo or Frank?" Travis asked.

"What kind of question is that?" I demanded, my stormy gray eyes boring a hole into the Sons of Hermes.

"Leo or Frank?" Travis said again.

I think I tend to impose on people the fact that I didn't need a dagger to be scary. Percy told me I had an air of authority and commanded respect. A reputation for mortally wounding people who dared to cross me. The Stoll brothers didn't care. My first year they put a tarantula in my bed. I had nearly murdered the two.

"Who would you rather date, Leo or Percy?"

Leo leaned forward and grinned at her as if flirting.   

Calypso smacked him.

"Percy," I said, staring Travis in the eyes.

"No, no, Leo or me?" Frank said, batting his eyes. They had the Roman Camp Jupiter at CHB for the night, so Praetors Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque were gathered in the pavilion.

Hazel unsheathed her sword and touched the tip of it to Frank's gut. "Don't you dare," she said darkly.

"Percy," I answered again.

"I don't think she understands," Leo said.

I turned my gray eyes to the Son of Hephaestus. "I understand perfectly. I choose, Percy."

"Dang, Percy trained her well," Frank said, grinning.

"Now if we could just train you two just as well," Hazel said, her eyes meeting with Calypso's.

Leo looked at Calypso, whose arms were crossed, her frightening glare turned on him.

Leo stuck out his lower lip and gave her puppy-dog eyes.

"No," Calypso retorted.

"Evil," Lavinia, Centurion of the fifth cohort, daughter of Terpsichore whispered to the girl next to her.

Next to Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite sat Nico di Angelo emo Son of Hades, scooping some goopy substance out of a jar with a black skull on it. Piper's old boyfriend, Jason Grace had died during the battle against the triumvirate emperors and Jason's death reopened the wound left by Bianca di Angelo, Nico's older sister's death caused by her sacrificing herself to save the rest of the group from a defective Talos. When Piper and Nico found comfort in each other's company in mourning the loss of dear friends, they had become boyfriend and girlfriend.

"What is that stuff?" I asked, leaning forward to see the goopy stuff.

Piper gave her a look. "It's mayonnaise."

"Wait, but if that's mayonnaise, I saw something with a mayonnaise label in Hades Cabin," I said. "What's that stuff?"

"Pickle relish," Nico replied, his eyes staying on his mayonnaise.

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