Chapter 1: Meeting the Winchesters and Finding a Mate

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Dean ran into the E.R. of Forks Hospital carrying his eighteen year old sister in his arms.  The Winchester siblings were on a hunt just north of Forks hunting a werewolf.  However things went wrong and the youngest Winchester sibling got hurt protecting her older brother.

"HELP! Please somebody help," Dean shouted as he ran in.

As soon as Dean entered the E.R. the scent of blood pulled Carlisle from the conversation with a nurse a few feet away.  He rushed over to the eldest Winchester as Dean placed his sister on a hospital bed.

"What happened here," Carlisle asked as he looked over the injured hunter.

"Bear attack, we were out camping."

Before Carlisle could follow the nurses, who were taking the hunter to surgery, Dean grabbed Carlisle's upper arm.

"I know what you are, cold one." Dean said in a low whisper where only Carlisle heard him, "Do everything you can to save my younger sister but DO NOT turn her, unless there's nothing else you can do to save her."

"Understood," Carlisle said as Dean let him go.

Dean watched the blond cold one follow after his critically injured sister.  Nearly two hours later Sam arrived to see Dean pacing in the waiting room.

"Dean," Sam said as he walked over to his brother.

"Hey Sammy, dad's on his way from Miami.  You get the job done?"

"Yeah, all taken care of.  Any word yet?" Sam asked as he sat down.

"Nothing yet, but we may have another hunt.  There are cold ones here," Dean said in a whisper as he sat next to his younger brother.

"Cold ones?  As in the other type of vampires?"

"Yeah, but this one's different somehow."

"What do you mean?"

However before Dean could reply Carlisle walked into the waiting room.  As soon as Dean saw the doctor he stood up along with Sam.

"Winchester."  Carlisle asked the two brothers.

"That's us," Dean said as he and Sam approached.

"How's our sister?" Sam asked.

"She's resting, she lost a lot of blood but once she's fully rested she'll be fine," Carlisle said, "Now I believe you want to speak to me in private."

"Is there some place where we can go and talk?" Dean asked.

"Follow me," Carlisle said.

Carlisle led the brothers to their sister's room.  When they entered the room both brothers saw their sister hooked up to a heart monitor and other tubes leading into her arms with morphean for the pain.  As soon as all three men entered the room Carlisle closed the door and blinds before turning towards the brothers.

"So you know what I am.  How and who are you?"

"I'm Dean and this is Sam, the brunette you saved is our sister, Andronika, Andy. We're hunters, we hunt the supernatural.  That's how we know that you are a cold one, or a vampire as you would call it." Dean explained.

"But we mostly hunt a different type of vampire, ones where a steak to the heart can kill them." Sam said.

"Yes I'm a cold one but my family and I are different from others of our kind.  We don't hunt or drink from humans," Carlisle explained.

"That would explain the eyes not being red," Sam noted.

"Precisely," Carlisle said, "Now that we are being honest with one another, what happened to your sister?"

"First off, was she bitten," Dean asked.

"Excuse me," Carlisle said, confused.

"Other than the three claw marks, were there any type of bite marks that might look like a dog bite," Sam asked as he walked over to his sister's right side.

Shaking his head Carlisle replied, "No there was only the three deep claw marks.  She was lucky that none of her vital organs or anything vital were damaged."

"Thank god, saves you a silver bullet, eh Dean." came a weak and tired woman's voice.

"Andy," both Dean and Sam said as they looked at their sister.

"Sam, what have I always said about hunting werewolves?  Always confirm your kill and NEVER turn your back on them," Andy said as she opened her eyes and looked at her brothers.

"Werewolves,you were hunting werewolves?" Carlisle asked from Andy's left.

"Oh, didn't know we weren't alone," Andy said as she looked at Carlisle.

As soon as his golden eyes met her forest green ones it was as if time had stopped for the two of them.  For Carlisle he could smell peaches and strawberries along with the faint scent of honey however for Andy, she could smell cinnamon, co co, and lemons.  Both of them realized at the same time that they were one another's mates.  Sadly for Andy so did her brothers.

"Oh hell no," Dean said.

"Your mate is a cold one," Sam said.

"Well there's nothing either of you can do about it.  But anyway, why am I here Dean?  Why didn't you call for Cass?"

"He's busy," Sam said.


"Him," Dean answered.

"Oh, got it.  Gabriel?"

"He only answers to you, you know that."

Andy leaned back in the hospital bed, wincing as she did so.  Carlisle moved closer to her left side to examine the stitches making sure that they hadn't come undone.  After checking the stitches Carlisle looked into Andy's face smiling at her.  Both Dean and Sam looked at one another before looking back at their sister who was blushing as she smiled back.  Even though Carlisle was a cold one both Dean and Sam knew that their sister couldn't be away from her mate for too long, for it might kill her.

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