Seductively sweet!

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"Ah! good-evening y/n! Lovely to see you!"
You hear your coworker and girlfriend chisa yukizome say from behind you,
You turn around with a quick swift to reply,
"Good evening Chisa! A pleasure to see you as well, well it's
Always a pleasure to see you but you get the sentiment."
You say with a big grin on your face.

"The pleasure is all mine beautiful" Chisa says smiling back,

She looks so beautiful in the moonlight, her smile glows so bright
And it always makes your heart beat a little faster.

"Anyways my beautiful partner, lover, most beloved girlfriend-"
"Cut to the chase Lovely, what do you need help with?"
You said half giggling.

"Ahh you know me to well for my own good y/n!"
Chisa said in a sarcastically pouty tone,
"Of course I do, your the love of my life so I'd hope I know everything
About you, your very important to me"

"Your to sappy for your own good! Anyways as I was saying
Before, I would like nothing more.."
Chisa said as she started walking closer and closer to you
Till she was holding your waist and staring in your eyes,
"..then to sleep with you tonight"

You felt your whole face go red as you started laughing
You started laughing to yourself while Chisa
Just smiled and watched you laugh while holding you.

"Is that I no to me having sex with you then?"
Chisa said in a sarcastically sad tone,
"It wasn't a no! I know better than-"

You were cut off by the taller women kissing your lips while
stroking your back, as you both fell deeper and deeper into the kiss
Chisa pushes you to the wall as you start letting out small
Moans and whimpers while scratching her back.

"May i undress you beautiful?"
"Aw your so gorgeous my lovely boy~"
You feel a chill run down your spine as Chisa starts
Unbuttoning your shirt.

"Are you alright dear? Your quivering"
Chisa said softly while stroking the back of your head,
Twirling a lock of your hair in her fingers
"Yea..can you go faster..please"
You whispered back trying to hold yourself
Steady while leaning on the wall.

"Someone's eager, but of course beautiful"
You felt Chisa's lips start sucking on your neck as she
Continued Unbuttoning your shirt, you let out a loud
Moan after Chisa started biting down on your neck
While pulling your hips into her,

"Shh've got to stay quiet for me.."
She said while taking of her blouse,
As she started kissing down your chest leaving small marks
All over your chest until she got to your trousers, she gestures
To them which is followed by her soft voice asking
"May i?" To which you reply
"O-of course" you feel your whole face go red again after
Hearing your voice, you sound so..needy, so desperate.

"Hmm you sound quite desperate love...maybe you should beg..."
Chisa says with a small smile on her face,
"Well? You heard me. Beg for me" she said
In the most cold tone you'd ever heard her speak in,
She sounded like she didn't care about you, like you were just a toy,
Yet somehow it still made you feel warm.
You still felt warm, you still wanted her to grab you, to
Squeeze you, to love you in every way possible.

"Uh..beg..?" You replied in a questioning and slightly embarrassed tone,
"Yes my love. Beg for me, beg for me to undress you,
Beg for me to make you feel good, beg for me to do everything you want to you."
You felt your whole body shake at the tone of her voice.

"Well then my pet? Are you gonna start begging?"
She says while grabbing your chin and pulling your hips closer in to her.

"I- please! Please make me feel good- I-"
You started blushing while stumbling over your words,
The sentences you were trying to spew out got
Lost in stutters, but apparently Chisa was satisfied enough
As she pushed you back up against the wall kissing you while taking your
Trousers off, you heard her murmur random sentences between kissing
You, you were to overwhelmed with everything going on to
Understand the sentences as wholes but managed to make out
Little things like "your lips taste so good" and "your to tense love".

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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