Pt. 16

752 13 1

Hey guys 👋

I'm gonna add sakusa and komori to the group chat so let's get started

Stay back germs😷🤢- sakusa


                                                             Daddy rail us~😩🥵

Sexy sumu🤡 - I got a pictures of sho 😜

Samu😒 - ok so do I idiot

Baby owl - HEY HEY HEYY!

Sexy kitty🥴😜 - BOKUTOOO

Baby owl - KUROO BROO

Sexy kitty🥴😜- HEYYY

Sho's kitten - shut up idiots..

Sexy kitty🥴😜 - kenmaaaa 😞

Baby owl - 😱 kuroo bro! AKAASHIII 😭

Keiji - bokuto what's wrong..

Baby owl - Kenma hurt kuroo bro 😭

Keiji - bokuto it's ok..

Baby owl - BUT

Sexy kitty🥴😜 - i's ok bro 😢

Sho's doll🥱 - you guys are idiots.. 

Sho_Milk_me - tch when were you sho's "doll" 

Sho's doll🥱 - why do you care king

Sho_Milk_me - don't call me king dumbass

Sexy sumu🤡 - fight fight fight! 

Samu😒 - I'm gonna tell kita

Sexy sumu🤡 - NOOO don't tell kita 😭

Samu😒 - send the pictures then 

Sexy sumu🤡 - tch fine

                                                     Everyone is online 

Tendou~ - oh~ send pictures of hinata!

Big bear🐻 - I agree with tendon send pictures of hinata @Sexy sumu🤡

Tendou~ - Ushi you don't have to mention him he's right here

Dumb cat😵‍💫 - OHHH I want to see pictures of hinata!! right yaku!

Smol kitty👹 - of course you giraffe 

Sho's fox🥺 - Atsumu...

Sexy sumu🤡 - Y-yes

Sho's doll🥱 - imagine stuttering through text how embarrassing~ 

Baby owl - TSUKIIII don't be so mean!

Sho's doll🥱 - don't call me that idiot 

Baldie basics🌚 - noya bro you hear that there gonna send pictures of shoyo! 

Rolling tHuNdEr⚡️- hurry up and sent them!

Sho's kitten - hurry up idiot..

Sexy sumu🤡 - Jeez don't gotta be so mean!

Sexy kitty🥴😜 - well me and kenma have -

Sho's kitten - Shut up idiot before I kill you 

Sexy kitty🥴😜 - 😰 ok..

Samu😒 - hurry up and send them idiot were waiting 

Toru😘 - atsumu hurry up

Haijime - I hate to agree with trashykawa but hurry up

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