The Witch Of Wasabi Beach

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Let's go back in time to May 7th, 1668. Little Alice de Fenton was born in Wasabi Beach, Florida. She had beautiful long brown hair and had a medium sized birthmark on the side of her neck. Her fashion taste was amazing even when it was never like any of the fashion trends back in the day. She was very interested in magic and fairy tales. She was also very smart and a fast learner for her age being 10 years old. She never had a good relationship with her parents. She loved them and they loved her but they had many expectations, like having her to be married to a rich man.  

At the age of 19, she got married to Robert Courtnay. She soon changed her name to Alice Courtnay. In 1689 when she was 21 the witch trials started. This was also the time when her husband, Robert Courtnay started to see another woman by the name of Elizabeth Ager, the mayor's daughter. Of course when he saw her too much he wanted to get married to her but didn't want to risk her and him being called witches so he came up with something. 

October 31, 1692, Alice Courtnay was accused of being a witch by sleeping with someone not her husband, having a birthmark, being really smart. She was burned at the stake and her sole was sucked into a nun doll. While in the nun doll while in pain of the fire or her skin and anger from being accused from the love of her life who knows damn well she would never make a deal with the devil ever but as she was about to cry her heart out she saw a strange figure.... they had black horns on their heads and and blood red skin. There clothing was like what an angel would wear but it was ripped and a little bloody. The thing got closer and closer until it was right across for her.

" Hello miss are you Alice Courtnay?" the thing asked.

"Yes and who and what do you want from me?" Alice questioned.

"Oh you can call me Lucifer dear," he replied  "I just noticed that you seemed...helpless my dear," It rang a bell in her head but she couldn't but her finger on it.

"Oh my, haven't you heard of me. I'm practically a celebrity with you mortals. Okay here is another name you humans call me, Satan and or The devil. You humans are so creative yet so stupid with names,"

'What the hell, why is he here and what does he want from me. Okay just remember all the stories your parents told you as a young kid, don't make a deal with him unless you want your soul taken.' she repeated  to her self until she got interrupted.

"Listen lady, I am here to yes, make a deal with you but I am not going to take your soul like your parents told you. I just want to help you with your little dilemma," he answered.

"So let me get this straight, you want to make a deal with me but not going to take my soul, well that's ironic," she stated.

"Yes I know, it's out of character but I am being serious about this, also there are to many people in hell right now so I am not in the mood for more sinners," he explained. 

"Okay fine what is the deal," she asked (Please don't make a deal with the devil, I am just making the character do this for plot reasons, I hope you understand - author)

"Glade you asked, so I can get you out of here and not let you feel pain forever but it will take about 300 years and you will still be a ghost sound fair?" he told her.

"Fine, deal," Alice then shook the devils hands and he disappeared into thin air

- about 300 years later - First Person Point of view

It has been about 300 years sense I made a deal with Lucifer. This will be the last day I have ever feel pain of being burned. I can't wait to make the people who hurt me the most to feel what I have felt all these years. I heard laughter, that must be them making fun of me. Oh my lord I see the sky again time to makes those assholes pay.

*after killing random drunk kids that having nothing to do with the people who hurt her out of pure anger and wanting revenge*

"Oh shit, I just killed a bunch of kids but what are they wearing. This must be the fashion now  a days. Oh my lord humanity must be devolving if this is in fashion like that doesn't even look nice on anyone, what were they thinking. Thank the heavens they have good taste in alcohol, looks like people still have good taste in drinks just not outfits," I look around me to see wear I was so I could Wasabi Beach or what the call the little town now. 

"So this is were they took the doll I was stuck in for 300 years, a forest, lovely," I rolled my eyes in disgust. I started to walk more into the forest but the more I go deeper in this strange forest the more I see these weird symbols. I also keep seeing this weird white figure at the corner of my eye but when I look back it is not there. Then I stopped walking. I was surrounded by they strange symbols and the figure was right in front of me. It's skin was as white as snow and has a nice black suit, finally someone had some fashion now a days. It was a tree compared to me and had no face nor hair. 

"Ok who are you what do you want from me" I asked

I don't know how but it spoke back. "Hello Alice Courtnay, you can call me Slenderman and I want you to work with me," Ok I'm sorry but what is with strange people knowing my name out of no were, like I can kinda understand how Lucifer knows my name but how does this dude know my name and what is a freaking ghost supposed to work with a tall ass dude who really needs a tan unless if he is a vampire cause they will die. (I don't believe in Slenderman what so ever nor agree with that he does but sense he is part of Creepypasta, I kinda need to add him into this.- author)

"Ok 1. how do u know my name, 2. how is a ghost supposed to work, and 3 what job is this," I asked not trying to be rude but I am so confused at this point so it must sound like I am. 

"To answer your questions, I know your name from stories about you, I have ghost who work at this job, and the job is to kill people but I know how you hate to kill innocent people so I am going to only let you kill people who are not innocent. Does that sound ok with you Alice  Courtnay," Slenderman explained.

"Fine but don't you even think about lying to me about who is innocent or not you got that?" I asked in a kinda threating tone.

"I wont lie about that kinda stuff, so if you agree with working with me please follow me Alice," He exclaimed

I followed him to his mansion he called the 'Slender Mansion'. I met some of the other workers called proxies. He was right about how there were other ghosts but I don't really talk to them cause 1 has this ugly outfit on and like this new thing called 'video games' which looks lame and  not fun and the other is a small child named Sally who is really kind. I dont really talk to her cause she mostly hangs out with this person named Jeff the killer who really need a new sweater. There is this person named Eyeless Jack who I relate to cause they also got betrayed by the love of there life which is nice to someone feels the same way and this person named Laughing Jack who knows what it feels like to be in a small space for a long time. I sometimes question why the 2 friends that I have are both named jack but it's fine, I'm just happy that I found a kinda new family that will not betray me. 

The End

I hope you like it, it took me a while but it was worth it. Hope you have a nice day or night - author

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