chapter five

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Pico sate on Boyfriends new bed as he waited for the boy to gain consciousness.

He had a cigarette in between his fingers, the paper slowly disappearing as he inhaled the nicotine.

The smoke finding its way to his lungs as it swirled around for a second before he exhaled. Just that exhale made him finally realize how bored he was while waiting for his pray to wake up.

He had gotten Boyfriend a day prior and was amazed that he hadn't come back to reality. He didn't press his rag to hard to the boys nose, so he just couldn't understand.

Letting out another puff from his cigarette, pico gave out a sigh. He liked looking at boyfriend, even if he was unconscious, but it made him uncomfortable. Bf looked alot different then he had a week prior.

Since the boy locked himself up for a week, his hair was so dirty it was almost matted like a cat. The bags under his eyes were much more prominent as the purple formed on his skin under his eyes. His ribs seemed to stick out more then pico remembered too.

Pico didn't like seeing his lovely this way. Looking at him made pico sad and he didn't like it. He would have put the other in the shower if he was awake, but since he still wasn't, pico waited.

Waiting was driving him crazy.

He had bought his pack of cigs a day before and it was already almost gone. At first, he was smoking alot from the excitement, but wasn't the same.

Pico laid back on the mattress, a couple of springs bounced from under him as he did so. Closing his eyes for a second, pico accidentally drifted off. He didn't mean too, but he did. His eyes closing just made it enevitable.

He didn't dream or anything, just pure black.

It was a nice small nap, but pico started to stir as he slept. His body didn't feel comfortable as he laid, but his mind was at complete peace. But the moving around over and over made his eyes open.

Pico looked over to boyfriend. He was still passed out, tied to the chair in the middle of the room. Pico let out another sigh as he closed his eyes again. He put his arm up over his face.

Before pico could drift back off, he started to hear something. It sounded like...somthing scruff rubbing agenst...shit.

Pico sate up and looked over to boyfriend. He couldn't see his face, but he could see his arms struggling to get out of there hold.

Boyfriend, was awake.

Pico got up off the bed and walked to the front of the other. He kept his head down but stopped struggling. Instead of his arms causeing his movement, boyfriends whole body was now shaking, probably from fear.

There was no way he forgot what happened.

"Good morning, my love." Picos voice was small, which wasn't normal for how deep his voice truly was. "Well, its night time actually." Pico was a little amazed by his own statement.

Boyfriend didn't respond. It was probably a little hard with the tape over his mouth. He could have mumbled though "you could say something." Pico was getting a little angry. He waited for so long and now boyfriend was sitting there in silence. Shit it pissed him off. "Say something!"

Pico didn't mean to, but he grabbed the side of the piece of the tape and ripped it clear off the boys face. He let out a small scream of pain as he threw his head back. It went back down in seconds. "There. Speak." Boyfriend stayed silent.

Letting his anger get the best of him, pico grabbed the back of boyfriends hair and pulled it back. Bf winced. "I've been waiting patiently for 24 hours for your bitch ass to get up. Now talk."

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