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Yibo's POV

It has been a while since we parted.
Zhan is engaged and I am in the set of my second series of action.

My debut was a hit.

I became the heartthrob for many, if I could believe the internet blogs.
I have been admired for my hard work a"s my company says
You got an image of rebellious but hardworking youth. You came back after many setback and that is what world need - a faith in their own own fate.

I don't know whether all these love is true or just love to my character in the series...

I mean, I know what love could do to you. It harms.....

It kills...

It destroy...

"Sir, scene is ready " My manager told me .
I sat up and once again read the script for the scene.
I never smiles these days.
My mom always complain.
My Friend Ning complain, even my company complain..

What is there to smile except a carrier of actor when I always wanted to be a dancer??

I stood and walked towards camera..


Zhans POV:

I watched repeatedly "The White Tiger"
I had submitted my Phd thesis and now my academic is at the finishing point.
But my Singing career-oriented life is at its rise.
I got chances to sing in some documentaries and in one series..

Eventhough national audience failed to recognize the documentaries,  international fans were so crazy over my voice .

I even got some entertainment companies coming up with projects including me.

So, GeGe is happy...
Or is it so??

"Are u still obsessed with Yibo's series??"
My sister is looking at me with her beautiful smile..
A smile which reminds me of heaven and sacrifice..

She now sits with me almost every day, even came with me for my audition.
Even after getting married her care and love for me is not decreasing..

"You are my first child and my love for you will always be pure"

I saw tears in her eyes shining..
"Linger is waiting outside for you.
I think she needs to tell something "

I know my sister doesn't actually approve of Linger and me being in love.But she never shows it outside.

"Ok. I am coming"
I stopped the series and went outside.

While descending down the stairs I heard Title song of Yibo's series playing agsin in room.

I rushed back in silence only to see my sister touching Yibo's face and murmuring something.
But I could vow that her eyes were overflowing

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