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Zhan's POV

Linger smiled at me and she made her way towards me. I was sitting here at the balcony with my laptop which is still playing Yibos song.

"So have you checked your mail?"Linger enquired.

"Yes I saw a contract I need to sign. But Linger... changing careers constantly will be bad for myself and you."
I know, being engaged to her is a throne of 🌹  roses.
My mistakes and fails will affect her too.....

But she was always good with decisions...
And when she placed printed copy of the contract.,I know she meant business.

"Fine ....."
I took the pen she offered and signed the papers.

"This is going to be a hit and you are going to thank me for this life changing experience."

She took pictures of contract and phoned somebody.
May be her manager....

I don't even read the script.What is to be read as my life is flowing towards a dark hole.

I put the headphones on.

Dinner was great 👍.
My sister was in a good mood today and she made her all time favorite drink -lotus soup.

I wanted my plate to be finished soon but family time ⏲ means all members present and discuss the next steps.

My family was supportive in my career choice except my mother .she wanted me to be a scientist or university professor.

Becoming a singer was a nightmare for her and I know it.

Telling her my assistant director position will only bring a chaos and I kept quiet.
My sister never bought it for discussion.

My dearest brother who took over the family business was everything a family need. I am the black sheep with bad career choices.
It was the engagement with Linger which held my place in the family gatherings...

A better half with money and fame and beauty.....

None saw any flaws in our relationship except I have unstable income....

But my smile was unholy. It burned me with fires from hell

I waited for the director to come in to the office.  Today was the first discussion of the drama" Strings of the sky" A story about a youth who became a star or something...

I found 2 more assistant director in the room.

They knew me. Linger and her fame always seemed to travel with me.

"The story is still no no...." one of them complained.

"Hero is not thrilled with some of the scene and songs" second assistant couldn't hude his hate for hero.

"Who is the hero??" I enquired while going through the papers.

"Here he comes"..... someone whispered

I saw the hero of the drama ....hero of my life...Yibo...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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