Chapter 9

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Lizzie’s POV

Watching her has become very relaxing. Her head moves up and down as she vibes to the music from her headphones. She has her back to the head board as I lay the opposite way. I hold my head up with my hand studying her. I’m not quite sure what she is doing but to be honest I never am. Her laptop lays in her lap. A slight smile forms on her face. “What are you looking at over there, Miss Olsen?” She asks, Not looking away from her computer. “Nothing.” I answer. 

“Okay, Stalker.” She says, sarcastically. “I’m just watching my weird girlfriend, how does that make me a stalker.” I ask. “I love when you call me your…” She snaps her gaze to me. “Did you just call me weird?” Y/n asks, rhetorically, sounding offended. “Yeah babe, but a cute weird.”

“You’re weird.” She sends a crappy comeback my way. “Like a cute weird?” I ask, playfully. She shakes her head no, now focusing back on her screen. “You’re Weird-Weird. Who the fuck eats avocato on toast?” She shakes her head disappointedly. “It’s normal!” I scoff, smacking her in the leg. “Sure.” She says. I stayed silent for a moment hoping to catch her attention again. But she doesn’t give it to me fully. “You’re staring again.” Y/n says. “You know I can’t help myself.”

She bites her lip trying to contain her grin as a slight pink tent takes over her cheeks. “Me haces sentir más amado que cualquier otra persona que conozca.” She says. I tilt my head confused. “I hate when you do that. Y/n, you know I don’t speak spanish.” I whine. “Can you just tell me what you’re saying please.” I beg, pushing her laptop off her legs, as I straddle her . She meets my gaze with a devilish smirk, while sliding her hands up my thighs. “You have a nice ass.” She says. I punch her as hard as I can in the shoulder. “Ouch!”

“Why can’t you ever be romantic?” I groan rolling out of bed. I walk into the bathroom grabbing my red dress which was hanging on the door. “You could have said Oh lizzie you have such beautiful eyes, but noooo. Your eyes are too busy staring at my ass.” I say, getting dressed. 

“Did you know Aubrey’s new boyfriend brings her flowers every morning.” I continue to ramble. Through The reflection of the mirror I watch Y/n walk in. She wraps her hands around my waist and rests her chin on my shoulder. “I think you, Elizabeth Olsen, are worth more than basic flowers.” She says. We hold a gaze through the reflection but I force myself to look away. “You’re still not out the dog house.” I say, returning to my makeup. She moves away from me and takes a seat on the toilet lid. I can feel her staring but I love that she finds it relaxing too.

Y/n’s Pov

“Thanks for agreeing to come tonight. I know you don’t like coming to my events.” Lizzie says. That’s not exactly true. I have been avoiding Scarlett ever since that night, even though it was months ago I can't help but feel awkward around her. 

She jerks the lipstick out of my hand. “Uh, who are you trying to impress?” She scoffs, playfully. I roll my eyes, with a smile before walking out of the bathroom. "Only a beautiful blonde with gorgeous green eyes." I say, playing along while picking up my phone as it rings. Lizzie leans over my shoulder to get a view of my screen. "Who is it? Another one of your whores." She asks. I shut it off and shoved it into my purse. "Producer..." I look down at her red dress. "Wow. There are literally no words." I smile. 


Lizzie holds my hand leading me down the red carpet for this new marvel movie she’s just wrapped up. The blinding camera lights force me to look away and my gaze lands on her, Scarlett Johanson. That sparkling silver dress pressed perfectly to her figure.

“Smile baby.” Lizzie says through her teeth as she poses for the cameras. I do as told, it being her night and all. While walking down the carpet, Lizzie signs a few posters and smiles with fans while taking selfies.

I can hear my name being called by a few of the fans but I’m only here for her. To stand and look fancy. Which I don't mind. “It’s been a while.” I turn to meet her gaze. Forcing a smile I lean in to hug her. “Yeah, you look good.'' As I lean back I get a whiff of Scarlett’s perfume. Lilies?

“So you and Lizzie. That's nice.” Scarlett says.

We both look at her laughing and talking to some fans. 

"Yeah. Um, I hear you're getting your own movie." I change the subject as soon as possible. "Oh yes, only after 10 years." She rolls her eyes, playfully. "Florence is a nice girl, you two will have fun together." I smile, why was I so worried about talking to her. 

Lizzie moves over to us. Oh wait, it wasn't talking to Scarlett that made me nervous. It's Scarlett talking to Lizzie. 

"Hey look who it is." I hear a voice behind me. Suddenly Evans picks me up and spins me around. 

Lizzie's POV

"Can I ask you something?" Scarlett turns her attention away from Chris and Y/n. "You speak Spanish, right?" I ask. Scarlett raises a brow confused. "Y/n likes to speak the language, knowing I have no clue what she's saying." I roll my eyes.

"You want me to translate?" Scarlett asks, understanding what I'm getting at. "I can't quite remember her exact words but it kinda sounded like." I attempt to repeat but Scarlett just looks even more confused.

"Shit, I don’t remember how to say it.” I say looking at Y/n who's trying to break the grasp of chris.


I can't help but steal glances from my musician throughout all my interviews. "Ms. Olsen, what can you tell us about your romantic relations with both Robbie Arnett and Y/n Y/l/n? Were you secretly seeing Y/n while still engaged to Robbie?" I turn my gaze to the reporter confused. "Excuse me?" I ask, there is no way I heard her right.

"Did Robbie find out about the affair and end the engagement?" The reporter asks. I tilt my head. "I don't see how that's any of y…." Before I could finish Y/n walks up taking my hand. 

"Ms. Olsen will be taking a short break." She says, leading me away as the reporters yell questions.

"I'm sorry." I breathe as she stops far away from everyone. Blood pounding in my ears, heart thudding in my chest, vision disfigured, as if I’m looking through a fish-eye lens. "Fucking ass holes." Y/n says, looking back towards them. Everyone knows now.  My hands are beginning to shake and my feet now feel tingly. “Where do they get off?” She continues. Y/n turns to face me. “Baby?” Tears start to bottle up. Breathing’s hard. Really hard. As if I’d just run a Marathon. 

“Hey baby, I got you. Okay?” She moves her hands to me, holding the sides of my face forcing me to focus. “Breathe. Can you do that for me?” She asks, moving her hands down.

My hands wrap so tightly around her forearms that my nails dig into her skin. I shake my head quickly. “Okay, That's okay.” She says calmly. “How about we try together?” She asks. I nod unable to get a word out. “Okay deep inhale….Exhale.” I follow along with her as we try to breathe together. I lean into her, crying harder into her shoulder as I wrap my arms around her neck. My chest grows tight as bile rises in my throat.

Her arms warm around my waist. “Tell me what I can.” Y/n whispers.

(Sorry for posting like a thousand years later.) (I'm adding more but I forgot how to turn off the complete setting.)

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