Chapter 25

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Harry POV

Today was the last day of exams and then I'd be finished with high school for the rest of my life. I managed to get up without snoozing my alarm once and noticed a text from Louis.

Louis: Hey Haz, good luck today, I'll see you tonight because I'm coming down for a few weeks.

Harry: Ok, see you soon, love you

Louis: Love you too

Then I had a quick shower, put my school uniform on for the last time and went downstairs for breakfast. My exam started at ten a.m. so I had more time before I had to get to school. Gemma and Mum were already at work.

I drank a cup of tea and ate my toast then grabbed my bag and drove to school where I parked next to Niall's car. Him and Lottie were kissing in the front seats.

I grabbed my bag from the passenger seat and got out, locking the door behind me. Then I went up to Niall's car and knocked loudly on the window then opened the door.

"Oi, you've already got two babies on the way, steady on." I said.

Lottie flipped me off and grabbed her bag then got out of the car. Niall did the same and locked the door and we waited for Liam to show up. 

"Hey guys." he said, after parking in the spot on the other side of Niall's car. 

"Alright let's go." I said, putting my arms around Liam and Lottie. 


I got out of my exam at two o'clock and drove straight home, ready to put something on the tv and relax before going round to Lottie and Louis' house tonight with everyone.

I threw my bag down on my bedroom floor and pulled my school tie over my head and threw it in the corner. I changed into sweatpants and my old Queen t-shirt and then grabbed my phone and went downstairs, making myself a bowl of noodles.

I put some Friends on the tv and checked the time to see I had two hours before Mum and Gemma got home. Then as I was finishing my noodles my phone buzzed with a text from Louis.

Louis: Just got back, what are you doing?

Harry: Watching tv, come over?

Louis: On my way

I put the empty bowl in the dishwasher and as I was laying back down on the couch Louis came into the house.

"Hey H." he said, moving me over a bit so he could sit down.

"Hi." I said, sitting up and giving him a kiss.

"How was your exam?" Louis asked.

"Alright." I said.

"Good." Louis replied.

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

"Be here with you." Louis replied. 

I smiled and kissed him again, then lay down and put my head in his lap. We watched Friends until Gemma got home.

"Hey Harry, hey Louis." she said.

"Hey." I said, still watching the tv.

"I'm just going to get my stuff and then do you want to go over?" Gemma asked.

"Sure." Louis replied.

Gemma went upstairs and Louis switched off the tv.

"Do you need to get anything before we go?" he asked.

"Nah I'll be fine." I replied.

Then Louis leaned forward and kissed me. I put my arms around him and kissed back. both of us falling back down to lie on the couch. Louis pulled me down closer to him and I deepened the kiss, moving my lips against his.

"Seriously?" Gemma said.

I jumped off Louis and fell off the couch.

"Can we go now?" Gemma asked.

"Yeah, uh, yeah let's go." Louis said, clearing his throat loudly. 

I picked myself up off the floor and followed Louis and Gemma to the door.

When we'd walked up the street and got into the house the first thing we saw was Niall walking around in his boxers.

"Yeah, I can tell you live here now." I said.

"Oh no, he's been doing this for years." Lottie said casually, coming in from the next room. She patted Niall's stomach and kissed him on the cheek.

"Don't worry I'll get dressed, I'm not as bad as Harry though, at least I keep my underwear on." Niall said, walking away up the stairs.

"Why have I never seen this?" Louis asked me. Lottie and Gemma rolled their eyes and walked out of the room.

"It just got a bit awkward after I answered the door naked thinking it was just Niall and it was Gemma's friend." I said. Louis laughed and I grabbed his hand and followed Lottie and Gemma into the living room where they were sitting on the couch.

Within about five minutes Liam arrived with a box of beer and a bottle of non-alcoholic wine.

"Here you go Lots." Liam said, giving Lottie the wine. He handed the box of beer to Niall as he came back in wearing shorts and a hoodie and then sat down next to Gemma.

At five thirty me, Louis and Liam started to make dinner. We cooked lasagna and set it out on the table.

Niall got the beers Liam had brought from the fridge and the wine, which he poured into three glasses for me, Gemma and Lottie. Johannah was out at her boyfriend Richard's house, to give us some space to celebrate.

"Hold on, hold on." Louis said, clanging his fork against his beer bottle, raising it to make a toast.

"To the end of high school for you guys and bigger and better things!" Louis said.

"I agree, well done guys." Gemma added, she of course had already finished school as well.

After dinner we put the dishes away and put a movie on. Gemma and Liam claimed the armchair and were snuggled up underneath a blanket. Niall was resting his head on Lottie's baby bump and she absentmindedly played with his hair while she watched the movie. Louis and I were cramped in the corner, shoving Niall's feet away and trying to get comfortable.

After the movie finished we refilled our snacks, got another beer or glass of wine each and put on another one. 

When that movie ended, around ten thirty, Niall and Lottie went up to bed. 

"Yeah, we're going to go to bed too, night guys." Liam said, him and Gemma getting up.

"What do you want to do?" I asked Louis.

"Well I thought we'd have sex but I feel like I might fall asleep." Louis replied. He did look very sleepy and I was tired too.

"Alrighty, let's just go to bed then." I said, pulling him to his feet.

We brushed our teeth and then lay down in bed.

"Let's just watch an episode of Friends." Louis said.

"We've already watched it all over three times since we've been dating but who cares." I said, pulling out my phone and propping it up between us.

After ten minutes though Louis was asleep. I switched off my phone and kissed him on the forehead, settling down and closing my eyes.

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