Part 4

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He loved Charlie like a father as well, and seeing the other kid's reactions just fueled his depression. Wiping his eyes and exhaling, Katsuki nodded and took the kids back up to Akio's room where he had been given a chill pill and new bedsheets, having to endure getting stitches white conscious and cursing out the nurses the entire time, delusional because there was no way he would stand it without the drugs.

[CI]Shizuka had dried her eyes for the time being too, seeing the kids enter the near-empty room (it was just her, Denki, and Mina), she sat up since she was restrained by an IV and gestured for Emi to come over.

[CI]The entire time in a medical room over, Akio was getting stitches on his lower thigh, near the big stab wound but luckily it hadn't broken during his outburst. Akio made verbal noises of complaint, his limbs feeling too heavy to kick around but he glared to his right where Eijirou was, almost as if to complain because Eijirou was the one who let them do this to him. "You motherfucker..." He slurred, blinking slowly and looking down at the poor-

[CI]Male nurse who Akio had degraded to the T. He glared at him, watching what he was doing. "You fuckin' s t o p- bi- bitchass..." His head rolled back onto the chair and he stared up at the ceiling.

[CI]Seeing Charlie there was enough to draw tears again. Mr.Asumi was in a way glad that he wasn't there for her last moments as he didn't know if he could take another heartbreak. And it was obvious that she was in pain the week leading up to her death..that's what hurt him the most. Never in a million years did Mr.Asumi think he'd suffer another loss..this time his own flesh and blood. Listening to what Shoto told him- Mr.Asumi felt the tears roll down his face as he looked over Charlie and a dry but weak chuckle escaped him "that sounds just like her.." he smiled softly as the tears escaped him.

[CI]Now with Katsuki- Charlie didn't show him any less affection than she did to her own father, he was like another dad to her just like Eijirou too. Though she did bother the shit out of Katsuki for laughs and tended to mess with him as they spend a lot of time together since Katsuki was practically married to Eijirou. Though Charlie had a great relationship with Katsuki..her dad didn't. He thought of the hero as a stuck-up man with a narcissistic disrespectful attitude so he didn't try to get to know the man but he put aside his grudge for the moment when he asked Katsuki to watch his children calmly. He watched his children leave as he went to his daughter's side before confessing to his deceased daughter.

[CI]The children were led to Akio's room and they each scattered to their own parts. Emi seeing Shizuka call him over as he nodded and went to her side. The tears were still flowing down his cheeks as he smiled at her and though he didn't say anything his eyes asked for comfort. Yuki was pissed as hell and it was because she didn't want to be sad- about to kick the trash can until she saw her older brother- Dani. He was hugging himself as he shook and Yuki sighed heavily. Going over to comfort him as he cried on her shoulder since she gave him one of those tiptoe hugs. Eijirou saw the children and he sighed a bit but in the time that Akio was getting his-

[CI]Stitching is done- paying no mind to the insults that the male nurse had to deal with or that were indirectly thrown at him "I'm sorry you'll have to excuse his language..he's just a big baby when it comes to needles" explained while Akio laid back and then getting up to give Yuki and Dani the comfort they needed while Mr.Asumi talked to Charlie

[CI]It had been an almost good month since the death of Charlie and today was her funeral burial/ceremony. The death changed her family's lives and it wasn't long until the news of her death spread around to the schools and was like she went from invisible to a celebrity in the span of three weeks. Many people came to pay her siblings their respects and often stopped by the shop to give condolences but also for business. But he had closed shop for the past couple of days leading up to her burial to settle the payments and such- it was in cases like this that money had no value to the elder man. Naturally, he made sure all the close people were sure to go, and that included Shizuka, Akio, Eijirou, Katsuki, Denki, Mina, and a couple of other people that were close friends with Eijirou but knew his daughter on a personal level.

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