Met, love forever

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" Damn it !!! Why? Does this always happen?! Why? Me ??? I'm tired of this shit! All I ask for is someone to love me. But I get this asshole to always belittle and hurt me!" Gulf was trying to understand all this chaos that his now ex-boyfriend Josh did to him over the years.

Gulf met Josh at a nearby café, they numbed into each other, then started dating . Josh was a nice , romantic man. He swept Gulf off his feet . Perfect to a " T". Never once said anything bad. It was Gulf's first sex partner and Josh was so loving towards him. Gulf was on cloud nine.

Until that day when Josh just got frustrated with Gulf and his work. He worked so many hours and he was a perfectionist at work. He went in early and came out late to make sure his column in the newspaper was exactly how he wanted to be . He literally proofread everything and some of his colleagues work as well. Not enough time to give to Josh. That night Gulf came in past 1 am and found Josh sitting on the couch. He went towards him and — slam!! Josh punched him squarely in his jaw. Made Gulf fall back and land on his butt. He was astonished.. Josh never laid a hand on him until now.

" Look you freaking idiot! I'm sick n tired of your ass coming late and not bothering with my diner nor my clothes for tomorrow!! You hardly come home earlier and I have told you many times to stop! Do you even care for your hubby!" Retorted Josh angrily to Gulf. Gulf started to cry and hold his jaw . He was stunned that Josh hurt him. " I'm sorry shush I thought I told you why. I won't do it again". Gulf was saying this while crying.

" You better, cuz if you continue to do so I'll be force to give you my answer to all of this and I don't know what I'll do to you while I'm angry!" Josh told him not even bothering that this scared Gulf tremendously. Gulf was shocked.

As the months went by nothing was making Josh happy . Gulf was tired of his psychical abuse he was getting at home . He needed to put make up on so his colleagues wouldn't notice his bruises. All the time Gulf felt hopeless and in agony to not know what else Josh would do to him.

He thought he wasn't worth to be with Josh because he started to verbally abuse him as well. Josh would always tell him he was a pathetic excuse for a wife. Good for nothing piece of shit. He called him everything in the book. Once he beat him up so badly he needed to go to the hospital because he had a concussion and 2 broken ribs.

That's where he met Mew or Dr Mew Suppasit M. D. He is the ER doctor who saw and took care of him. Mew saw the condition he came in and asked him what had happened to him. While asking him Josh came over and told Mew to leave his boyfriend alone. He didn't need to ask him questions. He wouldn't allow Mew to touch him. Asked for another doctor who wouldn't ask why? Gulf was this way. Mew felt bad for Gulf.

Mew had a younger sister who died by her husbands hands. He was a jealous freak who took it to far and strangled her. Now that monster was in prison for life. He saw the same look his sister gave him when he asked her about her bruises. He just knew that Gulf was in the ER that night because of that boyfriend. So he took it upon himself to get his address and check up on him every other day and once he found out the noises and things broken coming out of that house he videotaped it and took many pictures. He wasn't going to let this monster kill Gulf!

One night Mew heard cries and screams coming out of this house . He just couldn't wait any more do he knocked on that horrid door hoping to find Gulf safe but once Josh opened the door he immediately saw Gulf in the living room floor in blood he stepped in without asking and punched Josh with all his might wanting to hit him until his arms fell off this son of a bitch wasn't going to get away with this!! He called 911 . He was helping Gulf and thankfully he was alive.

The police arrived and Mew told them what happened and told them about what he heard and seen Gulf at the hospital and gave them his evidence. They handcuffed this monster. Gulf was rushed to the hospital. He had a punctured lung several broken ribs. Head trauma. Mew was very upset and just could stay still watching the hospital staff do their work it was to hard on him. I guess all this time he had feelings towards Gulf that grew each passing day he was there to oversee his life in that house of horrors.

Mew stayed with Gulf on his free time and had asked for days off because he just didn't want to wait and not be there for Gulf. He held Gulf's hand during this time . Gulf was in a induced coma to let his body heal itself. Every time Mew would always be there for him . He talked to him . He read to him.

After 4 months being in a coma Gulf woke up and realized someone was holding his hand. He tried to move to see who it was. Thinking that it could be Josh but deep inside him he knew it wasn't him. He felt safe with this person. He knew automatically he was safe. Mew stirred and woke up . He met Gulf's eyes and was so relieved that Gulf woke up . Thank goodness he did.

Gulf soon remembered the ER doctor and asked him how long was he in the hospital. " You have been here over 4 months" Mew told him while getting up to see his face and do his vitals. " Is Josh around? I know this may sound weird but can you not have him come visit me. I don't want him to see me " Gulf told Mew slowly that it took Mew awhile to understand his words since he just woke up from a 4 month coma.

" Don't worry Gulf he won't ever see you again he is in prison for attempting to murder you " Mew was saying this hopefully he will be relieved upon hearing this . " I'm free? Thank God I'm free.... Y—es I fffeeel good" said Gulf while crying his heart out. Mew just hugged him to make sure Gulf is ok and let him know that he has someone in his side.

Mew and Gulf became really good friends that Mew decided to ask Gulf to live with him to get better quality care since he needs to do therapy for his injuries. Gulf has happy to do this . He started to feel something for Mew. As Mew already like Gulf. They lived happily. Until one day Mew couldn't handle this any more and confessed to Gulf. Gulf also confessed to Mew.

Mew always made sure Gulf was loved and told constantly that he loves Gulf. Gulf was so much in Love with Mew . He couldn't comprehend what he felt for Josh that time . Mew and Gulf were together until they both married each other and lived a happily life. Loving each other ALWAYS AND FOREVER .

This is my one side story . Just one small one page story . I hope you guys loved it .

Stay Safe

No to plagiarism.


E.Z. Author


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