h o n e s t

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'what do you think griff?',

Bryce asked my boyfriend showing him something on his phone, Griffin shrugged,

'her ass is nice',

Griffin said softly I slowly pulled my head off of his shoulder and whacked him in the arm,


Griffin said grabbing where I hit, I went to hit him again,

'you said to be honest stop hitting me!',

Griffin yelled smiling at me trying to defend himself. I rolled my eyes at him and moved away from him,

'I meant like to be honest about how your feeling and everything! I don't need to know if you find another girl hot!',

I yelled walking away from him. I didn't know but I assumed Griffin was confused as to why I was getting so riled up about this but there was a million thoughts running through my head. The main thought that was running through my head was that he would leave me for one of these girls. Griffin and I were only in the beginning of our relationship and we were still trying to figure out the dynamics of our relationship and how we were feeling about each other. I found myself walking to the kitchen, I grabbed a water from the fridge and sat at the kitchen table just looking out the window. I felt a hand on my back, I looked up to see Griffin, he sat next to me and spun the chair so I was facing him,

'If I've got to be honest with you, you've got to be honest with me now y/n',

Griffin said placing his hands on my thighs, I looked down at my lap beginning to fiddle with my fingers,

'we're still in the early stages of our relationship which means that it would be a lot easier for you to leave me for a better looking girl',

I said softly, Griffin smiled at me and began to shake his head at me,

'y/n why would I date you if I didn't see a future with you? I'm with you because I want to be with you. I love you y/n',

Griffin said, I looked at him and began to smile. It was the first time he had ever said it,

'I love you Griff'.

griffin johnson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now