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Author's Pov

Heaven felt like her soul froze where as every part of her body turned numb when she heard a loud echoing of gun shooting..

"No......." She screamed out of her lungs in complete horror where as her eyes widened getting terrified and her heart completely halted for a while until she saw Mingyu to dropped the gun on the floor as blood started dripping from his palm and a groan escaped from his mouth...

"No this time Kim Mingyu.... "

Her wide eyes snapped towards the owner of that voice where she saw him to stood at a distance while aiming his gun at Mingyu as he shooted him on his palm..

"Jimin.... " Suga spoke startled as a breath of relief escaped from his mouth watching him on the other hand Mingyu gritted his teeth watching Jimin while groaning in pain of his wounded palm and clenched his jaw aggressively..

"You fuc.... "

He tried to throw a profanity at Jimin but before he could complete his sentence, he felt a hard punch on his face tossing his head around..

Mingyu tilted his head and his soul quivered in fear watching Taesin gawking at him with his completely darken and ruthless eyes like watching the soul ripper in front of him who was going to take his life..

Taesin gritted his teeth and fisted his palm so violently that his knuckles turned pale and he again punched him hardly on his face making a large amount of blood to came out from his mouth...

But he didn't feel any mercy for his action as nobody else did who was present inside that room because they all knew he deserved it and even much more worst for the things he had done..

Taesin forcefully kicked him on his stomach making him fell on the ground with a loud thud.. He clutched Mingyu's hairs abruptly making him to looked at his now fully turned gloomy eyes of a cruel and unmerciful sinner..

Taesin clenched his jaw and peered at Mingyu's half unconscious eyes

"Neither Kim Taehyung's love for His Forbidden Doll was his weakness nor Their son's love for His Forbidden Doll  is his weakness... "

Taesin groaned clutching his jaw and pulled his hairs more harshly making him growled in pain.

"Because our love for our Dolls is our biggest strength.... "

He spat and again punched him with his full force on his face making Mingu to knocked down on the ground and turned almost unconscious...

But that didn't stop him either who got completely blinded by his rage and pain which was building up inside him from the past 20 years, when he saw her dying in front of his own eyes and he wasn't capable of doing anything to save her..

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