let me love you chap:4

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You're pov

All of the a cult worshipping idiots was now tied up to a pole

"Call the cops and let's move out the rest is waiting for us out side GO GO!" I command "YES MA'AM" "escort the victim outside" I said

I saw in the corner of my eye the little girl was sobbing and shaking in fear I walk up the her and crouch down at her level and said

"Hey there little one" she looked up to me and looked at me in fear

The looks of her fear In her eyes and the way she shake all dirty clothes it broke my heart to see her in that state

"Come now little one you're safe" I comfort her I lend my hand for her  She looked at me quitely amused 'she doesn't know how to physical contact geez where is her parents? What kind of shit she had been through she's just a child' I thought

She looked at my hand and look it slowly I stood up but her feet was wobbly and she all most fall down in my fast reflexes I catch her quickly she looked up to me fear written in her face "i-im sorry ma'am I d-didnt mean to-" she's about to cry "no no it's okey you have been through alot do you have a family member or someone to stay with?" I ask her

"No that man killed them" point at the man who was struggling to get out the chain

"Any known relatives?" I ask once again she shook her head no

'i guess adopting a child would be so bad I mean she look like she's a sweetheart'

"How about I adopt you and I will be came you're mom? How's that sound?" I told her with my sweet voice

"R-really? I I mean you don't have to Im just a disappointment girl who can't do anything  if you adopt me" she said I laugh

"Hahaha oh dear you don't have to do anything by the way what's you're name?and age?"
I ask

" Rizuki migi! And I'm 5!" "Well migi-chan call me y/n-okasan or mother or mommy i really wanted a child on my own but I have no time to find someone"

Actually that's a lie there to be honest I don't really like to love someone but having a child is not a lie it's the Truth

"Oh that must be sad BUT if you find someone mommy can I call them daddy!?" She ask excitedly I just sweat drop I don't want to crush the little girls hope to have a father sigh kids are pain in the neck "ummm sure dear let's go shall we?" "Mhm!" She just hum in agreement I carried her and walk out of the forest see the second devision was already there feeding and giving everyone blankets and so on

"Good job everyone second devision I am greatly proud of youre team work this night" I said
"Thank you boss for you're praise and gratitude" said all the second devision

Shinchiro's pov

A woman was standing in front of all of her men's call the second devision I zone out

Her eyes her hair her skin
Not until

"She looked like my teacher in science subject" said Emma


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