Creation of Oatmeal, A True Love's Story

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"Honey, are you ready?" Mr. Oats shouted from across the living room. That night, he and his wife were planning to go on a honeymoon, for they were now newlyweds. He wanted to embrace her into his life fully and assure that they'd last forever.

"Of course! I've been packing all week!" Mrs. Oats yelled back.

"Good, I'll get the luggage in the car. So, why don't you get in the car first?"

"Sure thing, honey!"

Mr. Oats dragged their suitcases into the driveway, then threw them into the trunk of his van. He then got into the car and revved up the engine.

He drove him and his wife through the mountains and rugged landscape for the next four hours. His wife fell asleep in the passenger seat and he couldn't help but admire her face while sleeping. What a lucky man I am, he thought to himself.

After arriving, he unloaded the luggage while his wife checked in at the front register of the hotel. He looked around. The view was amazing, for he had booked the hotel in the mountains with a glorious view. Waking up to the reflection of the sun shimmering on the long and wide river, the birds flying above, and the vast forest of trees below. Best of all, he would wake up next to his wife.

"I've checked us in. Our room number is 236D." His wife told him.

"Alright, I'll be up there. You can head up first. I want to look around and assure we got our money's worth. After all, we worked hard for this trip."

Moments after scanning around the hotel, he was satisfied and went back to his wife. Their hotel room was large, with tall ceilings made of wooden logs. It felt extremely homey, with a small glass chandelier hanging from above and a whitge, king-size bed in the middle.

"I'm really glad we chose this place. We can get away from everything and just enjoy being around each other. You're now Mrs. Oats. My oats."

"Thank you for everything you've done for me. Can we have a serious talk? I've been thinking about something for awhile."

"What might that be?" Mr. Oats looked at his wife with a comforting look.

"I've really been wanting to have children, but I don't know if you're up for it. I want to start a family with you and be happy together. Can you imagine little versions of us?"

Mr. Oats was shocked. He didn't know how to react. "Hey, I'll think about it, but we just got married and this is kind of sudden. I need some time alone. I'll be outside."

He immediately got up, and left. There were stairs going up to the rooftop of the hotel, so he thought seeing the view would be best along with the refreshing breeze to cool him off. As he got closer to the rooftop, he heard a voice from above, talking with a woman on the phone.

"When?" A deep, velvety masculine voice spoke. "I'm at the top of the hotel right now. How long is it going to be until you get here?"

Now, Mr. Oats was at the point where he could make out the figure. It was a large glass of red Kool-Aid. He recognized this man. Mr. Kool-Aid. He had a long history with this man in high school, but he wanted to forget.

"Oats? Is that you? It's been so long!"

"Yea, I haven't seen you in such a long time either. How have you been?"

"I've been fine. My girlfriend is coming up to meet me soon. She told me she's here with a friend and won't be able to share a room with me."

That moment, they both heard footsteps. A woman's footsteps, for they could hear her heels hitting the floor, making a loud CLACK, CLACK, CLACK sound.

The woman exclaimed, "Kool-Aid! I missed you so much." She then ran up to him and kissed him on the lips.

That woman looked oddly familiar. It was Mr. Oat's wife. He was furious.

"You just spoke of having children, and now you cheat on me? How long has this been going on?"

"I-I.. Oats? What are you doing here? I thought you were going to the front of the hotel, not here."

"The more important question is what are YOU doing here?"

There was a long silence, so loud you could hear the river from below. Mr. Oats was outright furious. Out of impulse, he ran at full speed towards Mr. Kool-Aid, knocking him down, then proceeding to punch him while he was on the floor. Instant regret filled him when the red juice inside Mr. Kool-Aid spilled out, oozing all over the wooden floor. The juice started to trickle down to the second floor, then reach the first.

"What? Why would you do that!" Mrs. Oats screamed at her husband. "You jerk! I'm divorcing you."

"I should be the one to divorce you! You've been cheating on me with this idiot. This is unacceptable. I'm leaving."

As Mr. Oats turned and began to walk down the stairs, he heard his wife start to sob.

"I'm so sorry Kool-Aid. I should've known better. I would've treated both you and my husband better. I'm a bad person."

Mr. Oats experienced an internal crisis and suddenly got flashbacks. His wife had cheated on him, but he beat up the man, instead of talking it out with his wife. Then, he remembered. He had been in a relationship with Mr. Kool-Aid in high school. It was one that he wanted to forget. When he was a lot younger, he knew his family wouldn't tolerate a relationship between two men, so they had to break up. After all this time, he still loved Mr. Kool-Aid, but it was something he wanted-no, had to forget.

He ran back to Mr. Kool-Aid, then fell onto his knees. "I'm so sorry Kool-Aid... I didn't mean to. I was just upset at my wife at the moment and didn't know who to take it out on."

"Hey, Oats," Mr. Kool-Aid coughed. "It's alright. I know that you had a lot of resentment towards me as well, especially because of what we had in high school. You want to forget it, don't you? Well, I never forgot. I've been trying to fill up that void with other people, but it's not working."

Mrs. Oats looked at both of the men in shock. This was quite the surprise, but she knew she didn't have any place to speak.

"Maybe it's fate, Kool-Aid." Mr. Oats pulled out a mysterious packet from his back pocket. "My father passed this down to me, but I feel like now is the right time to use it."

Mr. Oats then ripped the package, pouring a white, steamy liquid into Mr. Kool-Aid's glass. Oats then pulled out a small vile from his chest, then proceeded to pour it in as well. Amazingly enough, a creamy substance filled up Mr. Kool-Aid. Mushy oats. A miracle happened. Mr. Kool-Aid got up and cried. He thought it was the end, for his glass had always been fragile.

Mr. Oats hugged Mr. Kool-Aid, so tightly that he was scared Mr. Kool-Aid would break again. "I think I still love you."

Mr. Kool-Aid man was no longer filled with Kool-Aid. Now, he was filled with what we know as oatmeal. He was reborn as Mr. Oatmeal.

"I love you too. Maybe this time, you can learn to accept who you are and have your family understand. If not, we can run away together and live in peace."

Mr. Oats smiled at Mr. Oatmeal. "Yes. I think I would like that very much. You're mine forever."

Creation of Mr. OatmealWhere stories live. Discover now