Chapter 14 fighter Melee

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In the last chapter as Kanu left soso school fighters from that school began taking over taking down other school luckily nanyo stepped in to take them down, while hacafu was still alive her master had awaken her for a  short moment  before she was knocked unconscious by his power as shibai got the letter from seito  declaring battle, she accepts an as every wait for the battle ahead what will happen in today chapter? Let's find out

As everyone prepared for the battle ahead an was well rested as the morning came the fake kanae aka majiko an the blad guy watched them out as they head for battle she remembered what she was talking to Koumei about. She wished them well as they left, an once they chose the spot Koumei was in her traditional Japanese Uniform for a tactician that was red an white dress with ribbons an two read a beads , an even a fan as she had a circler case Alter with a talisman inside she said the fighter we face is possessed by a spirit, an this battle might be impactful one for all fighters.

She said as the battle field was set on a old Oil refinery in the desert wasteland, an with shibai as she sits with him chained up she talks with him an even about is ego , but what really made his ghost come out was she overstepped the line when she said she wanted to take over for him since he chained up an her dragon tattoos started glowing an he clothes got ripped some soso shows himself he grabbed her by her neck he got upset an was talking to her an she said I want to serve you sir I'm loyal to you?

I won't betray you. He agreed an says I'll give you my power to see how loyal you are, an with kaku as she overheard a conversation with three guys as they talked about what's going on as they got they're drinks they walked off laughing about kaku an what a failure she is an meanwhile as Ryomo group arrives except kokouen Owen crakes a joke about fighting ghost we're Tempester followed up the joke by saying are busting their face in Are catching them? He asked an says I saw on tv with Ryofu I forgot what they do,  cause I'm a demon

he says. Once they got up there she opens the box an Koumei gets the jade an Ryomo an Tempester noticed the alter that it looks similar an Ryomo pointed it out when her an Tempester went to Hong Kong an saw it an Koumei agreed an says she has obi talisman guarding the place. They agreed an after the explanation she sensed that another member from nanyo an last has arrived an it was kokouen he showed up, Ryomo was glade an Tempester said about time. Something gave him courage then be a coward An when he got up to the top he brought food an everyone sat down to eat. Everyone had their own kind Gentoku loved hers especially.

Tempester asked her what does codrow taste like? She broke some up an gave him some an says These are good but how did your mom make them triangle? I had them before an they were circular shaped. Your right my mom knows how to do that you can stop by an she can show you. Thanks I will sometimes, an with gakchan he says that's good an all but have you been?

Kokouen tried explaining but ryomo says don't bother judging by your face your okay. Kokouen says yeah thanks To tempester an my mom they helped Quite a lot an she said you should eat before a big battle or a war. Good to know said Tempester.

An kokouen said I don't see Kanu with you. Gentoku tried to say something but Ekkitouku says she went to kuyosho to protect us, but we wish she was here, she said.
an kokouen says that's funny cause she was just at your school when I saw her. The girls were surprised at this revelation an with saji he was worried about what's going to happen with the fight ahead. But decided to wait until sundown to see what happens.  An as they talk ryomo suggested the scare kuyosho to see what they do, an Koumei wonder how?  An she says Tempester can transform into his demon form or use his power to do scare them. Tempester liked it but suggested that he stays in human form so he can't forget his human form

Meanwhile with hacafu  teacher  as  he talked to the girl with glasses about the pass, in the waterfall Ukitsu was battling hacafu as she managed to get a good hit an knock her out inside her mind hacafu was soul searching within herself an saw memories of her an kokouen, but then change to school she got confused an saw a mysterious person in the door way, she thought he was a student he left an she gave chase , but was unsuccessful she fell thru an saw soso dragon  an landed next the stone engraving, the same man came to her an told her to stand an fight it's not your time to go so keep moving forward your fire is not done burning.

so get back up an make your school proud,
your the leader of nanyo academy. Then it hit hacafu of who the guy was an says d-daddy? She said an then saw  her dragon. Back on the outside tremors were felt an shacking as the dragon emerged an came out the water about to go wild, Shiryuu came to kill it but Ukitsu stopped her an Shiryuu explain why she came an Ukitsu says my job is done. An as the others see the dragon fly off into the sky.

At sun down as everyone waits just on the horizon   Two came an ryomo was in her battle maid uniform, an as the cars rolled up they stopped an everyone got out, it was the three pillar gods, a boy with blond hair that pushed shibai chair kakouen an a tall girl with green hair wearing a volleyball uniform. As they said they're name an introduction she told shibai the jade is on the roof if you want it, I would be happy to but bring it down, an in return I promise I will not attack your school on  behalf of soso I will spear you an accept your Surender. I would love to but no thank you it's quite weird for you to show up without soso.
Ha there's no need for additional forces we won't need him to take you on without him

But that's we're your wrong in times of war a leader is like a  general  but  one that isn't inst a leader at all. an it's just more than nothing then just a mob, an you think you can still take it we have a demon on our side to take you down! An I bet he's scared of Gentoku that he doesn't want to show himself.

you insolent witch! Fighters with you, an look at the  state he's in. One  you guess by his strength that's he's not okay your not match for us kuyosho the other look from shibai was getting annoyed an says you won't beat us seito high we will wipe you out here an now!

Kakouen go get the jade it's on the roof! She said. As kakouen jumped to go get it ryomo was in her maid uniform she jumped down an says so we meet again!  Then start fighting an then the others on both side to fight the other fighters from kuyosho as gakchan fought the three  pillars god the guy that went against Kanu they were evenly match an wouldn't let up but gakchan overpowered him an took him down. By throwing him,
next was another pillar god against the pillar god gave chase he was getting annoyed an tells him  stop running away! Kokouen says I wasn't just running I was just trapping you!

He then picked up wires an used his chi an transferred it to the wires an set of an reaction we're pole fell on him an buried him next was saji  against the blond hair guy as he talk to him  an saji says back she not dead or lest I think she is an the  boy said that's to bad I'm going you we're she an totaku are an send you we're back where are you belong.
An shoots  his Chi saji does also both don't let up  until saji overpowered him an he won both fell, with ryomo as she fights kakouen she landed on saji she asked was he okay an he was, an laid down as kakouen jumped down to them she says your done!  An saji an ryomo responde with using their power to take her down.  Shibai who was  in the car was worried her dragon tattoos were glowing an was sweating
An lastly was the last pillar god the female girl as she to battle  Gentoku, she was  worried about the others an Koumei told her not to worry she was the linch pin of the operation  with Ekkitouku battle she was thrown out a window  Gentoku was upset but Koumei snapped her into focusing. Tempester lend his aid an used his curse an shouts shake an rumble she was shaken as Ekkitouku was in a choke hold she was able to fight more,  she says thanks he then  helps Gentoku, he found opening an attack her but she managed to block his other attacks, she says it's useless to  take me down you can't beat me!

Oh but I can I'm a demon  never underestimate me! Then a voice says don't worry old friend mind if cut in I'll step in? Who it was none other then Kanu she stepped in an took down the third member of the pillar gods an took her down, Gentoku was more then glade an says all thought it's seven I say this is fair it's good to be back.

To be Continued

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