hunting the hunter

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The date October 1st 1950.

Out on a country dirt road a truck with green paint is driving heading to a thick forest in Iowa near the Mississippi River.

The truck pulls up to a empty farm house and a six foot in his mid twenties man with short blonde hair and blue eyes steps out of the truck wearing brown pants, a green shirt with a brown coat and hat

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The truck pulls up to a empty farm house and a six foot in his mid twenties man with short blonde hair and blue eyes steps out of the truck wearing brown pants, a green shirt with a brown coat and hat. The man's name is tim a veteran from the war in Europe. He pulls out his assignment and looks over the file "mm three human casualties each mauled to death plus livestock mauliations" he looks at the report on the last attack. "This farm is the last attack ,lone old farmer in his sixties went out to do his chores when he waa ambushed infront of the barn" tim walks over to the barn and starts looking around the spot of attack looking for anything to identify what attacked the farmer. He walks over to the barn door and sees a small bit of black fur stuck to the wood. "Interesting " he feels the fur and smells it and moves into the barn to be meet with a strong smell of decaing flesh. He walks over to where the cows would of been penned up to be milked only now the pen is full of dead cows.

He looks around and sees a track in the mud and shit "werewolf a very big one " he looks at the track and hears something moving around and pulls out a revolver and sees that it's just a lone dairy cow cowering in the corner. "Well guess the beast had made this place its hunting ground". He opens the door and lets the cow out and heads to the back of his truck and climbs into the truck. Inside the truck are gun racks with all kinds of weapons from the war that he got his hands on along with artifacts that help combat or contain ,along with field medicine. He grabs a rifle with a scope that he got from that is specially designed to fire a very powerful bullet made from pure silver , a bottle of werewolf urine and a bear trap. He sets the trap on a trail that the beast is using to go into the barn and covers it up and sprays the urine on it to cover the smell and sprays the door as well. He moves the truck into a empty shed far enough away from the barn so it wouldn't be noticed and puts the cow back into the barn so not to ruin his trap. Tim looks around and spots a perfect spot up on a windmill that gives him a view of barn door and the woods. He climbs up on the top of the windmill and gets comfortable up on a very narrow ledge and pulls out the gun and waits for nightfall. The hours go by and it starts getting cold, but he is used to staking out waiting for his target out in harsh weather. The half moon is out giving him some light. The night are is full of noises of crickets and owls when all of a sudden they stop.

Tim raises the gun and waits, the silence of the night is only intrupted by the occasional blowing of the wind. Tim waits and watches the woods and sees a werewolf with black fur and walks out of the forest and heads towards the barn when it smells the urine of a werewolf that Tim sprayed thinks there is another intruding on its territory and lets out a growl. Tim follows the werewolf with his rifle waiting for the beast to step on the trap. The werewolf walks up to the door and the steel bear trap clamps right on its leg ,causing the it to howl in pain. Tim lines up a shot at its heart and fires, only to have the bullet hit its shoulder.

"Shit" tim reloads and see the werewolf rip the trap off and runs behind a shed. He waits up in the windmill "come on you ugly bastard " the werewolf makes a run at the windmill and tim lines up a shot and fires right into its forehead dropping the beast. He waits for a moment to make sure it's dead and climbs down from the windmill and walks up to werewolf and pulls out a knife and starts cutting off the creatures head. After he removes the head he walks back to the truck and throws the head inside and pulls out a shovel and a can of kerosene and starts digging a hole in the woods. Hours go by when he has it deep enough and has the werewolf in the hole and soaked in kerosene. He pulls out a smoke and matches and lights his cigarette and throws the lit match and watch the fire. "Well might as go lay down " he walks to the farm to find something to eat and to rest.

The next day fifty miles away from Tim's position is a small town celebrating the fall festival for the beginning of the harvest. People are all around looking at the enormous pumpkins that have been brought in along with food and other entertainment. Lone woman with long silver hair and blue eyes and in her mid twenties is walking around bundled up looking at all the stuff, but starts getting uncomfortable as she feels that someone is watching her. She starts walking away and feels the presence getting closer. She then gets grabbed which she struggles and sees a dagger made of iron with Irish ruins etched into the blade.

In a German accent spoke in English "hold still".

She struggles which causes her head to fall off and a green flame shoots out like flamethrower catching the nearby stands and tents on fire and she flees with her head in the confusion.

That same day late in the afternoon tim arrives at a small church and backs the truck up to the church and grabs the werewolf head and hands it to a member of the order dressed as a priest "there one ugly werewolf ".

The priest looks at the head "um tim I got another assignment for you".

Tim stops and looks at him "are you kidding me, I just got done dealing with a werewolf, luckily it was probably kicked out of its pack."

"I know but we got a incident " he pulls out a folder "at ten AM today green flames erupted at a small town fifty miles from here".

"Green flames sounds like ghost".

"Same here but a officer that is a member of the order found a iron knife with Irish ruins on it".

"So it's a Irish creature mm sounds like a dullahan then , is it registered " tim asks?

"No guess it snuck into the country " the priest hands him the folder.

"Now I wonder what's with the knife never heard of a dullahan carrying a knife like that makes me think it was attacked" tim walks back to the truck and climbs in "Oh and I want a break after this" tim drives off. "Uh this sucks they really need to get more help out here".

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