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a/n: Omg this series is like a fever dream that I speed ran in like a week😰 I do wish I'd had more time to add a few more details but overall I'm happy with how it turned out (also I tried to write a smut scene but ran out of time and have never written one so don't be disappointed when I don't finish it lol)

I never thought that you would be the one to hold my heart

But you came around and you knocked me off the ground from the start

Semi was freaking out. He was seriously freaking out. He had just (accidentally) overheard something he definitely shouldn't, but he had, he couldn't unhear it–and it changed everything!

Shirabu was being abused. Horribly, horribly abused. Semi didn't know how long it had been going on, how often it happened, but he knew what he heard. Poor Shirabu had only been trying to tell his dad he didn't want to grow up to be exactly like him, and he sounded like he got really beat up...

Semi couldn't believe it! Shirabu's dad was a Minister of State, a highly respected government official, and–he had just witnessed him physically abusing his son, and he had been hurling all kinds of nasty words at Shirabu throughout it as well...

Semi took a few deep breaths. He needed to figure out what to do, he needed a plan. He couldn't nothing–it had been bad enough being unable to do anything while it was actually happening, he certainly couldn't ignore it and pretend it never happened. But still, what could he do???

The logical part of Semi wanted to report it. That was the moral thing, the correct thing to do, wasn't it? But it was so much more complicated than that, what would Shirabu want...? Shirabu had been putting up with it for who knows how long, that wasn't the kind of thing that started overnight, and clearly never said anything. What right did Semi have to come and report it? It felt like the right thing to do, but it wasn't his story to tell...but he couldn't do nothing!

Semi went back and forth for a long time, and then he saw that Shirabu had texted him. "Semi where'd you go, do you want to finish or not?" The text read. Semi read it over and over again. It seemed like such a normal text, such a plain text, such a Shirabu text, there wasn't the slightest hint that anything was wrong. It filled Semi with a sense of horror. How many other times had Shirabu done something after going through an ordeal like that with no one there for him, and no indication that something was off? And then Semi felt even worse, because Shirabu had been off since the end of break. What if...what if that was when all of it started...?

Shirabu sent a bunch of question marks. Semi snapped back to reality–right now he had to help Shirabu, he could deal with what a terrible teammate he had been later.

Semi took a deep breath. He texted Shirabu and apologized for hanging up and asked him if they could call again. Semi was going to tell Shirabu he had overheard, it felt wrong to keep it from him. He would beg Shirabu to report the abuse, offer to report it for him. Semi hoped things would go as he planned. Shirabu called him again, and he answered.

"Oi, let's hurry and finish this, I want to go to bed early." Shirabu muttered, immediately diving back into calculus, completely oblivious to the fact that Semi was trying to communicate with him, to get a point across. Shirabu could barely hold himself together after what had happened earlier, he couldn't stand to be on the phone any longer than he had to, and was doing his best to wrap things up.

"Anyway, that concludes the most recent lesson. You should be good now. I hope that helped." Shirabu said, pausing to take a breath. He had made it, he didn't break down, as soon as he hung up, he would go clean himself up in the bathroom and go to bed and pray his father didn't want to see him soon.

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